Quantum Computation in Solid State Systems discusses experimental implementation of quantum computing for information processing devices; in particular observations of quantum behavior in several solid state systems are presented. The complementary theoretical contributions provide models of minimizing decoherence in the different systems.
Most recent theoretical and experimental results on macroscopic quantum coherence of mesoscopic systems, as well as the realization of solid-state qubits and quantum gates are discussed. Particular attention is given to coherence effects in Josephson devices. Other solid state systems---including quantum dots, optical, ion, and spin devices---are also discussed.
Decoherence of a Josephson Quantum Bit during its Free Evolution: The Quantronium.- Conditional gate operation in superconducting charge qubits.- Coupling and Dephasing in Josephson Charge-Phase Qubit with Radio Frequency Readout.- The Josephson Bifurcation Amplifier for Quantum Measurements.- Current-Controlled coupling of superconducting charge qubits.- Direct Measurements of Tunable Josephson Plasma Resonance in the L-Set.- Time Domain Analysis of Dynamical Switching in a Josephson Junction.- Cooper Pair Transistor in a Tunable Environment.- Phase Slip Phenomena in Ultra-Thin Superconducting Wires.- Dynamics of a Qubit Coupled to a Harmonic Oscillator.- Josephson junction Materials Research Using Phase Qubits.- Energy level spectroscopy of a bound vortex-antivortex pair.- Adiabatic Quantum Computation with Flux Qbits.- Anomalous Thermal Escape in Josephson Systems Perturbed by Microwaves.- Realization and Characterization of a Squid Flux Qubit with a Direct Readout Scheme.- A critique of the Two Level Approximation.- Josephson Junction Qubits with Symmetrized Couplings to a Resonant LC Bus.- Spatial Bose-Einstein Condensation in Josephson Junction Arrays.- Cooper Pair Shuttle: A Josephson Quantum Kicked Rotator.- Size Dependence of the Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Josephson Junction Arrays.- Monte Carlo Method for a Superconducting Cooper-pair-box Charge Qubit Measured by a Single-electron Transistor.- On the Conversion of Ultracold Fermionic Atoms to Bosonic Molecules via Feshbach Resonances.- Revealing Anisotropy in a Paul Trap Through Berry Phase.- Distilling Angular Momentum Schrödinger Cats in Trapped Ions.- Linear-response conductance of the normal conducting single-electron pump.- Transmission Eigenvalues Statistics for a Quantum Point Contact.-Creating Entangled States between SQUID Rings and Electromagnetic Fields.- Frequency Down Conversion and Entanglement between Electromagnetic Field Modes via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring.- Photon-induced entanglement of distant mesoscopic SQUID rings.- Time Evolution of two distant SQUID rings irradiated with entangled electromagnetic field.- Phase diagram of dissipative two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays.- Persistent currents in a superconductor/normal loop.- Josephson junction ladders: a realization of topological order.- Single-electron charge qubit in a double quantum dot.- Quantum dots for single photon and photon pair technology.- Semiconductor few-electron quantum dots as spin qubits.- Spin amplifier for single spin measurement.- Entanglement in quantum-critical spin systems.- Control of nuclear spins by quantum Hall edge channels.- Cloning of single photon by high gain amplifier.