Consultant and long-time Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food labeling expert James Summers answers the many questions surrounding FDA food labeling regulations and compliance in Food Labeling Compliance Review. Now in its third edition, the manual is a comprehensive food labeling compliance handbook designed to aid in understanding the requirements of the FDA. This reference is a must-have for regulatory officials, industry personnel, and others responsible for assuring that the label and labeling of domestic and imported food products in interstate commerce comply with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended.
The manual is available in book or searchable CD-ROM formats (or both together if you order the first choice on the right). The text is composed of three essential parts:
1.) Introduction and how-to information, including the outline of a compliance review.
2.) Compliance step-by-step review procedure (in the form of questions and answers) for the food label reviewer to establish the degree to which a products label complies with applicable laws and regulations. These sections also provide a basis for developing a label for prospective food products, as well as a foundation for responding to label deviations observed during the review.
3.) Guidance and information for decision making such as ready references, charts, illustrations, regulations, Federal Register indexes and tables of content for related publications.
Clearly illustrated with dozens of charts, sample label panels and Nutrition Facts boxes, Food Labeling Compliance Review is the practical, no-nonsense tool needed by both the experienced and inexperienced food label reviewer.
About the Author: James L. Summers is a senior consultant at AAC Consulting Group, Inc. (Rockville, MD), a firm providing consulting services in food, dietary supplement, cosmetics and other areas which fall under the jurisdiction of FDA. He has been offering expert labeling and compliance advice to AAC clients since he ended his 32-year tenure at FDA. He has held positions as Aquatic Sampling Specialist, Supervisory Microbiologist, Public Health Sanitarian, General Biologist, FDA Inspector, Regional Shellfish Specialist, and Consumer Safety Officer (in the Division of Regulatory Guidance). In his last position at FDA, he served as Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer, Branch Chief in the Office of Food Labeling. There he was the focal point for handling the most controversial, complex, and precedent-setting problems involving regulatory compliance issues dealing with food labeling. He participated in the development of policies and regulatory strategies regarding the enforcement of NLEA and other food labeling regulations.
Contributor: Elizabeth J. (Betty) Campbell joined AAC after a 35-year career with the FDA where she served as Director of Programs and Enforcement Policy in the Office of Food Labeling in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, and as Acting Director of the Office of Food Labeling. Ms. Campbell played a key role in writing the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) regulations in the early 1990s, and then had major responsibility for implementing those regulations.
I. Introduction.
II. Overview of the History of Food Labeling.
III. Definitions.
IV. Changes in Food Labeling Regulations.
A. Ingredient Labeling.
B. Certified Color Additives.
C. Common or Usual Names for Nonstandardized Foods.
D. Standardized Foods.
E. Nutrition Labeling.
F. Descriptive Claims: Fresh, Freshly Frozen, Fresh Frozen, Frozen Fresh.
G. Other Noncertified Color Additives, and Spices and Flavorings.
H. Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) of 1997.
V. Outline for Compliance Review.
A. Establish Jurisdiction.
B. Determine the Completeness and Accuracy of the Required Label Information.
C. Determine the Degree of Compliance with Applicable Regulations.
D. Advise Responsible Firm of Label(s) Needing Corrections.
VI. Compliance Label Review Program.
A. Identity Statement.
B. Designation of Ingredients.
C. Name and Place of Business.
D. Net Quantity of Contents Statements.
E. Nutrition Labeling.
F. Nutrient Content Claims.
G. Health Claims.
H. Statements Made Concerning the Effect of Product on the Structure or Function of the Body.
I. Authoritative Statements (FDAMA).
J. Labeling of Foods in Special Categories.
VII. Administrative Rules, Decisions and Special Labeling Requirements.
A. Salt and Iodized Salt.
B. Fresh, Freshly Frozen, Fresh Frozen, Frozen Fresh.
C. Natural.
D. Organic.
VIII. Exemptions from FDA Requirements for Foods.
A. Procedures for Requesting Variations and Exemptions from Required Label Statements.
B. Exemptions from Required Label Statements.
C. Petitions Requesting Exemption from Preemption for State or Local Requirements.
D. Exemptions When it is Technologically Impractical to Nutrition Label.
E. Nutrition Labeling of Food: Exemptions/Special Labeling Provisions.
F. Food: Exemption from Labeling.
G. Temporary Exemption for Purposes of Conducting Authorizing Food Labeling Experiments.
H. Temporary Permits for Interstate Shipment of Experimental Packs of Food Varying from the Requirements of Definitions and Standards of Identity.
IX. Compliance Provisions.
A. Failure to Reveal Material Facts.
B. Misleading Containers.
C. Food with a Label Declaration of Nutrients.
D. Food Subject to Nutrition Labeling.
E. Food: Prominence of Required Statements.
F. Misbranding of Food.
G. Substantial Compliance of Food Retailers with the Guidelines for the Voluntary Nutrition Labeling of Raw Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish.
X. Special Food Issues.
A. Food Allergy.
B. Food Bioengineering.
C. Botanical and Other Novel Ingredients in Conventional Foods.
XI. Charts, Illustrations, Statements, Regulations.
XII. Index to the January 6, 1993 Federal Register Preamble and Final NLEA Regulations.
XIII. Index to the August 18, 1993 Federal Register Preamble: Nutrition Labeling Technical Amendments.
XIV. Table of Contents for Chapter 5 Foods, Colors, and Cosmetics for the Compliance Policy Guide, DHHS, PHS, FDA, ORA, OF, DCP.
XV. Table of Contents for Food Labeling Questions and Answers for Guidance to Facilitate the Process of Developing or Revising Labels for Foods Other than Dietary Supplements, U.S. DHHS, PHS, FDA, August 1993.
XVI. Table of Contents for Food Labeling Questions and Answers, Volume II, A Guide for Restaurants and Other Retail Establishments, U.S. DHHS, PHS, FDA, August 1995Index