InhaltsangabeForeword xix Preface xxi Acknowledgements xxv List of Contributors xxvii 1 Energy, Global Warming and Impact of Power Electronics in the Present Century 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Energy 2 1.3 Environmental Pollution: Global Warming Problem 3 1.4 Impact of Power Electronics on Energy Systems 8 1.5 Smart Grid 20 1.6 Electric/Hybrid Electric Vehicles 21 1.7 Conclusion and Future Prognosis 23 References 25 2 Challenges of the Current Energy Scenario: The Power Electronics Contribution 27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 Energy Transmission and Distribution Systems 28 2.3 Renewable Energy Systems 34 2.4 Transportation Systems 41 2.5 Energy Storage Systems 42 2.6 Conclusions 47 References 47 3 An Overview on Distributed Generation and Smart Grid Concepts and Technologies 50 3.1 Introduction 50 3.2 Requirements of Distributed Generation Systems and Smart Grids 51 3.3 Photovoltaic Generators 52 3.4 Wind and Mini-hydro Generators 55 3.5 Energy Storage Systems 56 3.6 Electric Vehicles 57 3.7 Microgrids 57 3.8 Smart Grid Issues 59 3.9 Active Management of Distribution Networks 60 3.10 Communication Systems in Smart Grids 61 3.11 Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Real-Time Pricing 62 3.12 Standards for Smart Grids 63 References 65 4 Recent Advances in Power Semiconductor Technology 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Silicon Power Transistors 70 4.3 Overview of SiC Transistor Designs 75 4.4 Gate and Base Drivers for SiC Devices 80 4.5 Parallel Connection of Transistors 89 4.6 Overview of Applications 97 4.7 Gallium Nitride Transistors 100 4.8 Summary 102 References 102 5 ACLink Universal Power Converters: A New Class of Power Converters for Renewable Energy and Transportation 107 5.1 Introduction 107 5.2 Hard Switching ac-Link Universal Power Converter 108 5.3 Soft Switching ac-Link Universal Power Converter 112 5.4 Principle of Operation of the Soft Switching ac-Link Universal Power Converter 113 5.5 Design Procedure 122 5.6 Analysis 123 5.7 Applications 126 5.8 Summary 133 Acknowledgment 133 References 133 6 High Power Electronics: Key Technology forWind Turbines 136 6.1 Introduction 136 6.2 Development of Wind Power Generation 137 6.3 Wind Power Conversion 138 6.4 Power Converters for Wind Turbines 143 6.5 Power Semiconductors for Wind Power Converter 149 6.6 Controls and Grid Requirements for Modern Wind Turbines 150 6.7 Emerging Reliability Issues for Wind Power System 155 6.8 Conclusion 156 References 156 7 Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems 160 7.1 Introduction 160 7.2 Power Curves and Maximum Power Point of PV Systems 162 7.3 GridConnected PV System Configurations 165 7.4 Control of Grid-Connected PV Systems 181 7.5 Recent Developments in Multilevel Inverter-Based PV Systems 192 7.6 Summary 195 References 195 8 Controllability Analysis of Renewable Energy Systems 199 8.1 Introduction 199 8.2 Zero Dynamics of the Nonlinear System 201 8.3 Controllability of Wind Turbine Connected through L Filter to the Grid 202 8.4 Controllability of Wind Turbine Connected through LCL Filter to the Grid 208 8.5 Controllability and Stability Analysis of PV System Connected to Current Source Inverter 219 8.6 Conclusions 228 References 229 9 Universal Operation of Small/Medium-Sized Renewable Energy Systems 231 9.1 Distributed Power Generation Systems 231 9.2 Control of Power Converters for Grid-Interactive Distributed Power Generation Systems 243 9.3 Ancillary Feature 259 9.4 Summary 267 References 268 10 Properties and Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Machine 270 10.1 Introduction. Basic principles of DFIM 270 10.2 Vector Control of DFIM Using an AC/DC/AC Converter 280 10.3 DFIMBased Wind Energy Conversion Systems 305 References 317 11 ACDCAC Converters for Distributed Power Genera
Haitham Abu-Rub is currently a professor at Texas A&M University at Qatar. His main research interests are energy conversion systems, including renewable and electromechanical systems. He has published more than 200 journal and conference papers, coauthored four books, supervised several lucrative research projects, and is also an editor of several international journals such as in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He is currently leading various potential projects on photovoltaic and hybrid renewable power generation systems with different types of converters. Mariusz Malinowski is currently with the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics (ICIE) at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). He has authored more than 100 technical papers and is the holder of two implemented patents. Dr. Malinowski is also an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and previously edited the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. He was the recipient of the Siemens Prize (2002, 2007) and the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education Awards (2003, 2008). He also received IEEE IES David Irwin Early Career Award for "Outstanding research and development of modulation and control for industrial electronics converters" in 2011. Kamal AlHaddad has been a professor with the École de Technologie Supérieure's Electrical Engineering Department since 1990. He has supervised 90 Ph.D. and M.Sc.A. students working in the field of power electronics for various industrial systems, including modelling, simulation, control, and packaging. He has also coauthored more than 400 transactions and conference papers, transferred 21 technologies to the industry, and is accredited with codeveloping the SimPowerSystem toolbox. Kamal AlHaddad is currently a fellow member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, IEEEIES President Elect 20142015, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Associate Editor, and director of ETSGREPCI research group.
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