Following on from the successful first edition of
Waste Treatment& Disposal, this second edition has been completely updated, and provides comprehensive coverage of waste process engineering and disposal methodologies. Concentrating on the range of technologies available for household and commercial waste, it also presents readers with relevant legislative background material as boxed features.
NEW to this edition:
Increased coverage of re-use and recyclingUpdating of the usage of different waste treatment technologiesIncreased coverage of new and emerging technologies for waste treatment and disposalA broader global perspective with a focus on comparative international material on waste treatment uptake and waste management policies
Preface ix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 History of Waste Treatment and Disposal 1
1.2 European Union Waste Management Policy 5
1.3 Waste Strategy of the European Union 8
1.4 Policy Instruments 13
1.5 EU Waste Management Legislation 15
1.6 The Economics of Waste Management 38
1.7 Options for Waste Treatment and Disposal 49
Chapter 2: Waste 63
2.1 Definitions of Waste 63
2.2 Waste Arisings 66
2.3 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) 74
2.4 Hazardous Waste 93
2.5 Sewage Sludge 104
2.6 Other Wastes 110
2.7 Waste Containers, Collection Systems and Transport 119
Chapter 3: Waste Recycling 127
3.1 Introduction 127
3.2 Waste Recycling 130
3.3 Examples of Waste Recycling 143
3.4 Economic Considerations 159
3.5 Life Cycle Analysis of Materials Recycling 162
Chapter 4: Waste Landfill 171
4.1 Introduction 171
4.2 EC Waste Landfill Directive 174
4.3 Site Selection and Assessment 180
4.4 Considerations for Landfills 181
4.5 Types of Waste Landfilled 184
4.6 Landfill Design and Engineering 185
4.7 Landfill Liner Materials 187
4.8 Landfill Liner Systems 192
4.9 Processes Operating in Waste Landfills 197
4.10 Other Landfill Design Types 207
4.11 Landfill Gas 212
4.12 Landfill Leachate 220
4.13 Landfill Capping 227
4.14 Landfill Site Completion and Restoration 227
4.15 Energy Recovery from Landfill Gas 230
4.16 Old Landfill Sites 236
Chapter 5: Waste Incineration 245
5.1 Introduction 245
5.2 EC Waste Incineration Directive 248
5.3 Incineration Systems 251
Chapter 6: Other Waste Treatment Technologies: Pyrolysis, Gasification, Combined PyrolysisGasification,Composting, Anaerobic Digestion 325
6.1 Introduction 325
6.2 Pyrolysis 326
6.3 Gasification 337
6.4 Combined PyrolysisGasification 342
6.5 Composting 346
6.6 Anaerobic Digestion 357
Chapter 7: Integrated Waste Management 367
7.1 Integrated Waste Management 367
Index 375