This book describes a full range of contemporary techniques for the design of transmitters and receivers for communications systems operating in the range from 1 through to 300 GHz. In this frequency range there is a wide range of technologies that need to be employed, with silicon ICs at the core but, compared with other electronics systems, a much greater use of more specialist devices and components for high performance for example, high Q-factor/low loss and good power efficiency. Many text books do, of course, cover these topics but what makes this book timely is the rapid adoption of millimetre-waves (frequencies from 30 to 300 GHz) for a wide range of consumer applications such as wireless high definition TV, '5G' Gigabit mobile internet systems and automotive radars. It has taken many years to develop low-cost technologies for suitable transmitters and receivers, so previously these frequencies have been employed only in expensive military and space applications. The book will cover these modern technologies, with the follow topics covered; transmitters and receivers, lumped element filters, tranmission lines and S-parameters, RF MEMS, RFICs and MMICs, and many others.
In addition, the book includes extensive line diagrams to illustrate circuit diagrams and block diagrams of systems, including diagrams and photographs showing how circuits are implemented practically. Furthermore, case studies are also included to explain the salient features of a range of important wireless communications systems. The book is accompanied with suitable design examples and exercises based on the Advanced Design System the industry leading CAD tool for wireless design.
More importantly, the authors have been working with Keysight Technologies on a learning& teaching initiative which is designed to promote access to industry-standard EDA tools such as ADS. Through its University Educational Support Program, Keysight offers students the opportunity to request a student license, backed up with extensive classroom materials and support resources. This culminates with students having the chance to demonstrate their RF/MW design and measurement expertise through the Keysight RF& Microwave Industry-Ready Student Certification Program.
Professor Ian Robertson, University of Leeds, UK
Ian Robertson (FIEEE 2012) received his BSc (Eng.) and PhD degrees from King's College London in 1984 and 1990, respectively. From 1984 to 1986 he worked in the MMIC Research Group at Plessey Research (Caswell). After that he returned to King's College London, initially as a Research Assistant and then as a Lecturer, leading the MMIC Research Team, and finally becoming Reader in 1994. In 1998 he was appointed Professor of Microwave Subsystems Engineering at the University of Surrey, where he established the Microwave Systems Research Group and was a founder member of the Advanced Technology Institute. In June 2004 he was appointed to the University of Leeds Centenary Chair in Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Circuits and he is now Head of the School of Electronic& Electrical Engineering.
Dr Nutapong Somjit, University of Leeds, UK
Nutapong Somjit?received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) from Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, in 2005, and the PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2012, all in electrical engineering. Since August 2012, he has been with the Chair for Circuit Design and Network Theory, Dresden University of Technology, where he leads a research team in microsensors and MEMS ICs. He is currently a lecturer (assistant professor) in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
Dr Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan was born in Bangkok, Thailand. He received the B.Eng. degree in telecommunication from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, in 1992, the M.Sc. degree in communication and signal processing from Imperial College, London, U.K., in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K., in 2001. He joined the Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, in 1992, as a Lecturer. In 2008, he joined the Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand, as an Associate Professor.
About the Authors xvii
Acknowledgements xix
Preface xxi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 A Brief Timeline of Consumer Electronics 2
1.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 3
1.3 Industry Trends 7
1.4 Forms of Wireless Communication 12
1.5 Conclusion 30
References 31
2 Transmitters and Receivers 32
2.1 Introduction 32
2.2 Transmitter and Receiver Components 33
2.3 Noise and Interference 38
2.4 Introduction to Modulation 48
2.5 Digital Modulation 50
2.6 Noise Analysis and Link Budget Calculation 61
2.7 Some Wireless Transceiver Architectures 71
2.8 Conclusion 79
References 80
3 Scattering Parameters 81
3.1 Introduction 81
3.2 Z-Parameters (Open-Circuit Impedance Parameters) 81
3.3Y-Parameters (Short-Circuit Admittance Parameters) 82
3.4H-Parameters (Hybrid Parameters) 83
3.5ABCD-Parameters (Transmission or Chain Parameters) 84
3.6 Summary of Two-Port Parameter Operations 85
3.7 Scattering Parameters 87
3.8 Transmission Parameters 95
References 98
4 Lumped-Element Filters 99
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Filter Theory 100
4.3 Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Low-Pass Prototypes 107
4.4 Filter Design Method 111
4.5 Practical Lumped Elements 120
4.6 Capacitively-Coupled Resonator Filter 121
References 124
5 Transmission Line Theory 125
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Reflections on Transmission Lines 126
5.3 Transmission Line Theory 129
5.4 Standing Waves on a Lossless Transmission Line with Mismatched Load 135
5.5 The Smith Chart 142
5.6 The Signal Flow Graph 150
5.7 Conclusion 154
References 154
6 Transmission Line Components 155
6.1 Introduction 155
6.2 Coaxial Components 155
6.3 Twisted Pairs and Twin-Lead 157
6.4 Rectangular Waveguide 158
6.5 Microstrip 161
6.6 Common Microstrip Components 166
6.7 Uniplanar Transmission Lines 177
6.8 Other Transmission Line Types 179
6.9 Conclusion 184
References 185
7 Transmission Line Filters 187
7.1 Introduction 187
7.2 UnloadedQ of a Transmission Line Resonator 188
7.3 Lumped-to-Distributed Conversion 189
7.4 Impedance and Admittance Inverters 191
7.5 Richards Transformation 202
7.6 Unit Element, Kurodas Identity and Coupled-Lines Section 203
7.7 Stepped-Impedance Low-Pass Filter 208
7.8 Parallel-Coupled Line Filter 211
7.9 Interdigital Filter 217
7.10 Combline Filter 223
7.11 Hairpin Filter 233
7.12 Cross-Coupled Filters 237
7.13 Conclusion 246
References 247
8 Semiconductor Devices 248
8.1 Introduction 248
8.2 Fabrication Technology 249
8.3 Field-Effect Transistors 256
8.4 Bipolar Transistors 263
8.5 Package Styles 267
8.6 High-Power Transistors 269
8.7 RFICs and MMICs 271
8.8 Two-Terminal Devices 275
References 277
9 Impedance Matching 279
9.1 Introduction 279
9.2 The Purpose of Impedance Matching 279
9.3 Lumped-Element Matching Networks 282
9.4 Distributed Matching Networks 289
9.5 The Cyclic Nature of Distributed Circuits 295
9.6 Conclusion 296
References 296
10 Amplifiers 298
10.1 Introduction 298
10.2 Transistor Configurations 300
10.3 Classical Analysis of Gain and Stability 302
10.4 DC Biasing 309
10.5 Common Amplifier Topologies 310
10.6 Low-Noise Amplifiers 315
10.7 Nonlinearity and Intermodulation 318
10.8 Power Amplifier Classes of Operation 326
10.9 Power-Combining Techniques 334
10.10 Power Amplifier Linearisation 339
10.11 Conclusion 341
References 342
11 Oscillators 344
11.1 Introduction 344
11.2 Basic Concepts 344
11.3 Resonators 363
11.4 Some Oscillator Circuits 367
11.5 Oscillator Design Procedure 382
11.6 Conclusion 389
References 390
12 Mixers and Modulators 391
12.1 Introduction 391
12.2 Single-Ended Mixers 392
12.3 Balanced and Image-Rejection Mixers 398
12.4 Baluns and Couplers 402
12.5 Common Mixer Circuits 404
12.6 Modulators 409
12.7 Mixer Linearisation and Adaptive Signal Cancellation 412
12.8 Conclusion 412
References 413
13 RF MEMS 415
13.1 Introduction 415
13.2 Novel Transceiver Architectures using RF MEMS 416
13.3 Micromachined Transmission Lines and Passive Elements 416
13.4 RF MEMS Switches 420
13.5 Reconfigurable Impedance-Matching Networks 424
13.6 MEMS Phase Shifters 425
13.7 Tuneable Filters 426
13.8 MEMS Antennas 427
13.9 RF MEMS Fabrication and Packaging 428
13.10 Reliability and Design Consideration of RF MEMS Devices 430
References 432
14 Antennas and Propagation 434
14.1 Introduction 434
14.2 Antenna Systems 437
14.3 Transmission Equations, Free-Space Path Loss and Link Budget Calculation 447
14.4 Other Propagation Effects 451
14.5 Millimetre-Wave and THz Propagation 452
14.6 Indoor Propagation 453
14.7 Outdoor Propagation 455
14.8 Multipath Propagation 457
14.9 Antenna Arrays 458
14.10 Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Systems 460
References 462
15 Digital Signal Processing for Transceivers 464
15.1 Introduction 464
15.2 RF Performance Challenges 464
15.3 DSP in Modern Wireless Communications Systems 467
15.4 Signal Conversion and Processing 468
15.5 Digital Calibration forIQ Imbalance 482
15.6 Digital Predistortion Techniques 486
15.7 DSP Techniques for OFDM 489
15.8 MIMO 491
15.9 Conclusion 493
References 494
16 Packaging and Assembly 495
16.1 Introduction 495
16.2 Technology Options and System Partitioning 496
16.3 PCB/Laminate Technology 498
16.4 Thin-Film Fabrication 500
16.5 Thick-Film Fabrication 500
16.6 LTCC Technology 503
16.7 Chip Packaging 504
16.8 Manufacturing using Surface Mount Technology 508
16.9 System-in-Package and System-on-Substrate Technology 509
16.10 Transitions and Antenna-in-Package Techniques 512
16.11 Conclusion 512
References 513
17 Electronic Design Automation 515
17.1 Introduction 515
17.2 Linear Frequency-Domain Analysis 518
17.3 Time-Domain Simulation 518
17.4 Harmonic Balance 522
17.5 Large-Signal/Small-Signal Simulation 525
17.6 Planar Electromagnetic Simulation 529
17.7 3-D Electromagnetic Simulation 533
17.8 Integrated Circuit Simulation and Layout 534
17.9 Conclusion 538
References 538
18 Measurement Techniques 539
18.1 Introduction 539
18.2 The Oscilloscope 540
18.3 Function Generator and Arbitrary Waveform Generator 542
18.4 LCR Meters and Component Analysers 542
18.5 Signal Generators 542
18.6 Spectrum and Signal Analysers 544
18.7 Vector Network Analysers 547
18.8 Microstrip Test Fixture Measurements 558
18.9 Probe Station Measurements 560
18.10 Mixed-ModeS-Parameters 563
18.11 Source- and Load-Pull Measurements 565
18.12X-Parameter Measurements 565
References 567
Glossary 569
Index 575