It's 1919 and Amritsar is a city on the brink of rebellion. Riots, violence and tension spill onto the streets . . .
Bissen Singh fought bravely for the British Empire during World War One. Now he waits patiently for news from England.
Gurdial, a young orphan, is desperate to marry Sohni, the daughter of a rich and evil man.
And Jeevan, Gurdial's oldest friend, is swept up in the revolution and changing beyond all recognition.
Bissen, Gurdial and Jeevan are looking to the future whilst trying to escape ghosts from the past. But as the fight for Amritsar reaches a terrifying climax, their lives will be changed for ever.
An epic story of love and life, war and death from multi-award-winning author Bali Rai.
City of Ghostsis Bali Rai's seventh young adult novel with Random House. His first,(un)arrangedmarriage,created a huge amount of interest and won many awards, including the Angus Book Award and the Leicester Book of the Year. It was also shortlisted for the prestigious Branford Boase first novel award.Rani and SukhandThe Whisperwere both shortlisted for the Booktrust Teenage Prize. Bali also writes the hugely popularSoccer Squadseries for younger readers.
Bali was born in Leicester where he still lives, writing full-time and visiting schools to talk about his books. You can visit him at
A powerful new story by mulit-prize-winning author Bali Rai. An epic tale of love, war and rebellion. Can the ghosts of the past change the future of the citizens of Amritsar . . . ?>