You wake up in a strange room on a bed covered in blood. You have no idea how you got there.
Beside you is a dead girl. Your girlfriend.
The phone rings, and a voice tells you to pressplayon the room's DVD machine.
The film shows you killing your girlfriend. Then you're told to go to an address in East London where you're to deliver a briefcase and await further instructions.
There's no way out.
If you're to survive the next 24 hours, you must find out who killed your girlfriend, and why. Before they come for you too...
Simon Kernick is one of Britains most exciting thriller writers. He arrived on the crime writing scene with his highly acclaimed debut novelThe Business of Dying, the story of a corrupt cop moonlighting as a hitman. Simon's big breakthrough came with his novelRelentlesswhich was the biggest selling thriller of 2007. His most recent crime thrillers includeSiege,Ultimatum,Stay AliveandThe Final Minute. He is also the author of the bestselling three-part serial thrillersDead Mans GiftandOne By One.
Simon talks both on and off the record to members of the Counter Terrorism Command and the Serious and Organised Crime Agency, so he gets to hear first hand what actually happens in the dark and murky underbelly of UK crime.