Bookish Life of Nina Hill

eBook - 'GORGEOUS' Marian Keyes

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781472266200
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2019
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


*The hilarious new novel from Abbi Waxman - I WAS TOLD IT WOULD GET EASIER - is available now*Abbi Waxman's charming novel follows introvert and bookworm Nina Hill as she discovers if real life can ever live up to fiction... Shortlisted for the Comedy Women In Print Prize, this novel is perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond and Maria Semple. 'GORGEOUS' Marian Keyes'Like a big slab of your favourite cake in book form' Libby Page, author of The LidoMeet Nina Hill: A young woman supremely confident in her own. . . shell.Nina has her life just as she wants it: a job in a bookstore, an excellent trivia team and a cat named Phil. If she sometimes suspects there might be more to life than reading, she just shrugs and picks up a new book. So when the father she never knew existed dies, leaving behind innumerable sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews, Nina is horrified. They all live close by! She'll have to Speak. To. Strangers. And if that wasn't enough, Tom, her trivia nemesis, has turned out to be cute, funny and interested in getting to know her...It's time for Nina to turn her own fresh page, and find out if real life can ever live up to fiction. . .Praise for The Bookish Life of Nina Hill...'Like a conversation with the funniest person you know - just lovely' KATIE FFORDE'Charmed by its funny loveliness' NINA STIBBE, AUTHOR OF REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL'Book lovers will absolutely relate' O, THE OPRAH MAGAZINE'Meet our bookish millennial heroine - a modern-day Elizabeth Bennet' THE WASHINGTON POST'A quirky, eccentric romance that will charm any bookworm' ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY 'I hope you're in the mood to be downright delighted, because that's the state you'll find yourself in' POPSUGAR

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