2 Timothy

Hörbuchdownload - The New Testament, Gelesen von: Christopher Glyn

0,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781911124702
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 8.68 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


The Second Epistle to Timothy, commonly referred to as Second Timothy, is one of the three Pastoral Epistles attributed to the Apostle Paul in the New Testament. This letter is written to Timothy, a young church leader and close companion of Paul, and is believed to be Paul's last letter before his martyrdom in Rome. As such, it carries a tone of urgency and deep personal affection, offering final instructions and encouragement to Timothy in his ministry. The main themes of Second Timothy revolve around perseverance in faith, sound teaching, and enduring suffering for the gospel. Paul exhorts Timothy to remain steadfast in the face of false teachings and persecution, emphasizing the importance of guarding the true gospel that has been entrusted to him. The letter can be summarized through several key points: 1. **Encouragement in Suffering**: Paul encourages Timothy to share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God. He reminds Timothy of his own sufferings as a testament to his commitment to Christ and as an example to follow. 2. **Guard the Gospel**: Timothy is urged to guard the good depositthe teachings of Jesus passed down through Paulagainst false teachers and teachings that had begun to infiltrate the church. 3. **Faithful Teaching**: Paul stresses the importance of sound doctrine and instructs Timothy to entrust these teachings to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others, thus ensuring the continuity of apostolic truth. 4. **Enduring Hardship**: Paul speaks of enduring hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the need for discipline, dedication, and single-mindedness in serving the Lord. 5. **The Importance of Scripture**: One of the most quoted parts of this letter is Paul's affirmation of the inspiration of Scripture, stating that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. 6. **Paul's Final Charge to Timothy**: In what is often seen as a poignant farewell, Paul charges Timothy to preach the word, be prepared in season and out of season, and to carry out his ministry fully. Paul reflects on his life as being poured out like a drink offering, and he expresses confidence in the Lord's righteous judgment and the crown of righteousness awaiting him and all who have longed for Christ's appearing. 7. **Personal Remarks and Greetings**: The letter concludes with personal remarks, requests, and greetings to fellow workers and believers. Paul's sense of loneliness and his desire for Timothy's companionship are palpable, as are his instructions for Timothy to bring Mark with him and some personal items Paul left in Troas. Second Timothy is a deeply personal letter that serves not only as a testament to Paul's legacy but also as a guide for Christian leadership and perseverance in faith. Its teachings on the importance of Scripture, the endurance of hardships for the gospel, and the responsibility of passing on the faith have continued to inspire and instruct Christians throughout the ages.


Christopher Glyn's career encompasses a wide range of audiobook genres, including religious texts, classic literature, and children's stories. He is particularly noted for his ability to bring depth and nuance to the texts he narrates, capturing the listener's imagination and bringing stories to life in a unique and engaging manner. Glyn's voice is known for its clarity, warmth, and versatility, allowing him to adapt to different characters and narrative styles seamlessly. One of the hallmarks of Christopher Glyn's work is his narration of religious and inspirational content. His renditions of biblical texts and spiritual writings are highly regarded for their insightfulness and ability to convey the profound messages of these works. Glyn's respectful and thoughtful approach to such material has earned him a dedicated following among listeners seeking spiritual enrichment through audiobooks.