Der Band versammelt neue Forschungsbeiträge zum Phänomen des radikalen Pietismus.
PD Dr. Ruth Albrecht ist Pastorin in Hamburg und arbeitet vor allem in der Krankenhausseelsorge. Sie wurde 2000 mit einer Arbeit über Johanna Eleonora Petersen vom Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie der Universität Hamburg habilitiert.
In scientific research radical movements of Pietism are no longer considered to be a minor integral phenomena in church history but a genuine part of the most important reformatory movements in European and North American Protestantism. This volume consists of new research on known and unknown figures of radical Pietism like the couple Petersen, Gottfried Arnold and Gerhard Tersteegen. The authors examine the role of radicalism in Pietism generally - pointing out Francke, Zinzendorf and the Moravian Brethren as well as the representatives of the Lutheran orthodoxy. The authors present therefore an exemplary interim result of research and newly developed perspectives for future studies on this phenomenon.>
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Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Theaterstraße 13
DE 37073 Göttingen