Water Unites

From the Glaciers to the Aral Sea

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783897948006
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 233 Farbfotos, 26 Karten, 20 Diagr.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2012
Einband: kartoniertes Buch


- - - - - - - - - - Die Fotos und die Texte dieses (englischsprachigen) Bildbands haben das Ziel, die zentralasiatischen Länder den Lesern näher zu bringen und ein Bewusstsein für die Situation in dieser wenig bekannten Region der Welt zu schaffen. Das Buch zeigt auch, wie Wasser die Länder Zentralasiens verbindet und es gibt einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Weitere Informationen zum Projekt WATER UNITES finden Sie auch unter: www.waterunites-ca.org - - - - - Central Asia is a fascinating part of the world. It is rich in culture, natural resources, unique landscapes, wonderful people and of course water. The exhibition "From the Glaciers to the Aral Sea - Water Unites" wants to foster a better understanding of the Central Asian countries we associate with the Silk Road. The exhibition shows how people live in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It also shows how water serves all the living beings in the region. The book has two parts: An analytical part, which contains background information on water and transboundary water resources management and a second part with photos. The photos and the texts of the book aim to bring the region closer to you and serve to bring the people of Central Asia together. More information on the book, which is a combination of scientific literature and illustrated book, and an online preview is available at www.trescher-verlag.de Zentralasien ist ein faszinierender Teil der Welt - reich an Kultur, natürlichen Ressourcen, einzigartigen Landschaften, wunderbaren Menschen und natürlich Wasser. Die Ausstellung "Von den Gletschern zum Aral See - Wasser vereint" möchte zu einem besseren Verständnis der Länder beitragen, die wir mit der Seidenstraße verbinden. Die Ausstellung zeigt, wie die Menschen in Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan leben. Sie zeigt auch die Verbindung und die Abhängigkeit aller Lebewesen der Region vom Wasser. Das Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen: Der analytische Einführungsteil enthält Hintergrundinformationen zum Thema Wasser und zum grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement. Die Fotos des zweiten Teils sollen dazu beitragen, dem Leser die Region näher zu bringen und Verbindungen zwischen den Menschen Zentralasiens zu schaffen. Mehr Informationen zu dieser Kombination aus Wissenschaftsliteratur und Bildband sowie eine Onlineansicht des Titels finden Sie auf www.trescher-verlag.de


Alfred Diebold is the Technical Director of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea in Almaty/Kazakhstan. He is holding a doctorate degree in economics from Stuttgart University/Germany. His interests are in the area of sustainable management of water resources, the integration of economic, environmental and political considerations in transboundary basins. He was also trained as a photographer and film maker at the Tisch School of the Arts in New York/USA. Since the start of his professional career he worked with the United Nations, NGOs and private companies in Asia, Africa and Europe. He produced films, wrote books and articles. A classic travel guide on expeditions and travelling in the Arctic region (in German) is also available at Trescher Verlag: https://www.trescher-verlag.de/reisefuehrer/kreuzfahrten-und-flusskreuzfahrten/kreuzfahrten-nordmeer-und-arktis.html Jenniver Sehring works as a freelance consultant and researcher and is an associate at the Ecologic Institute, Berlin. She has been working and researching for ten years on environment, water, energy and climate change in Central Asia. From 2009 to 2011, she was Political Adviser for Water Affairs to the Special Representative for Central Asia of the European Union (EU). Previously, she worked at several German universities and was editorial assistant of the scientific journal "Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft / Comparative Governance and Politics". Jenniver Sehring received her PhD in Political Science from the FernUniversität in Hagen with a dissertation on the politics of water institutional reforms in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Alfred Diebold is the Technical Director of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea in Almaty/Kazakhstan. He is holding a doctorate degree in economics from Stuttgart University/Germany. His interests are in the area of sustainable management of water resources, the integration of economic, environmental and political considerations in transboundary basins. He was also trained as a photographer and film maker at the Tisch School of the Arts in New York/USA. Since the start of his professional career he worked with the United Nations, NGOs and private companies in Asia, Africa and Europe. He produced films, wrote books and articles. Another book about travelling in the Arctic on board of expedition ships was published in our publishing house in 2011. Alfred Diebold ist der Technische Direktor des Exekutivkomitees der Internationalen Stiftung zur Rettung des Aralsees in Almaty / Kasachstan. Er hält einen Doktortitel in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der Universität Stuttgart / Deutschland. Seine Interessen liegen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen, der Integration ökonomischer, ökologischer und politischer Erwägungen im grenzüberschreitenden Wasserressourcenmanagement. Er hat auch eine Ausbildung als Fotograf und Filmemacher an der Tisch School of the Arts in New York / USA durchlaufen. Seit Beginn seiner beruflichen Laufbahn arbeitete er bei den Vereinten Nationen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und privaten Unternehmen in Asien, Afrika und Europa. Er produzierte Filme, schrieb Bücher und Artikel. Ein weiteres Buch über das Reisen in der Arktis an Bord von Expeditionsschiffen wurde im gleichen Verlag im Jahr 2011 veröffentlicht. Jenniver Sehring works as a freelance consultant and researcher and is an associate at the Ecologic Institute, Berlin. She has been working and researching for ten years on environment, water, energy and climate change in Central Asia. From 2009 to 2011, she was Political Adviser for Water Affairs to the Special Representative for Central Asia of the European Union (EU). Previously, she worked at several German universities and was editorial assistant of the scientific journal "Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft / Comparative Governance and Politics". Jenniver Sehring rec


InhaltsangabePREFACE 5 INTRODUCTION 7 WATERMANAGEMENT IN CENTRAL ASIA - THE LEGACIES OF THE PAST 15 Historical patterns of water usage and water management 15 Water usage and water management in the Soviet Union 18 Ecological legacies: environmental impacts of unsustainable water management 23 Political legacies: conflicting usage interests of irrigation and energy production 26 TRANSBOUNDARY WATERS IN THE SIX STATES OF THE ARAL SEA BASIN 31 Afghanistan 32 Kazakhstan 34 Kyrgyzstan 36 Tajikistan 38 Turkmenistan 40 Uzbekistan 42 IFAS: A HISTORY OF POST-SOVIET COOPERATION 45 IFAS: organizational structure 46 The Aral Sea Basin Program (ASBP) 49 The challenges of effective regional water cooperation 49 Additional efforts for water cooperation 51 The 2009 summit and the reform process 53 THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL PLAYERS 57 Rehabilitating infrastructure for water efficiency 57 Supporting local transboundary water management 57 Improving data availability and exchange 60 Creating platforms for dialogue 61 CONCLUSION 63 The Way forward 64 PHOTO ESSAY 67 'From the glaciers to the Aral Sea - water unites' 67 Pamir / Amu Darya 70 Karakum 112 Alai / Zarafshan 150 Tian Shan / Syr Darya 186 Aral Sea 228 Acknowledgement of generous contributions 250 ANNEX 251 Databases 253 List of abbreviations 254 Sources 255 INFOBOXES: Climate change affects water 8 The Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, Central Asia's lifelines 10 Water a gift of God, an economic good or a human right? 15 From the Aral Sea to the Aralkum: The Aral Sea catastrophe 20 Water scarcity analyzed 25 Water resources and water usage in Central Asia 27 Reconciling food security and energy security- mission impossible? 28 Water availability and usage per country 31 Who owns the water? International law and transboundary waters 45 Transboundary aquifers 50 Joint Statement of the Heads of States Founders of the International Fund for Savin the Aral Sea 53 Integrated Water Resources Management 58