Getting Started in Options

eBook - Getting Started In...

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780471720096
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 368 S., 3.49 MB
Auflage: 6. Auflage 2005
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


In easy-to-follow terms,Getting Started in Options, Sixth Edition thoroughly demystifies the options markets, distinguishes the imagined risks from the real ones, and arms readers with the facts they need to make informed investment decisions. The accessible, step-by-step format of this guide includes the latest examples, charts, and additions to reflect the changing markets. It also includes new and updated discussions on other options issues, such as Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) and the intricacies of options taxation, as well as understandable instructions about how to master options terminology and concepts, read the market, utilize new online resources, and more. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this straightforward resource shows readers how options work as well as where they can fit into anyones personal investment plan.


Michael C. Thomsett is a financial writer who has written more than sixty books on investing, real estate, business, and management topics. He is the author of several Wiley books, including Getting Started in Bonds, J.K. Lasser's Real Estate Investing, and the five previous editions of Getting Started in Options. Prior to his writing career, Thomsett was a professional accountant and systems consultant.



Introduction Brave New Worlds.

Chapter 1. Calls and Puts: Defining the Field of Play.

Chapter 2. Opening, Closing, Tracking: How It All Works.

Chapter 3. Buying Calls: Maximizing the Rosy View.

Chapter 4. Buying Puts: The Positive Side of Pessimism.

Chapter 5. Selling Calls: Conservative and Profitable.

Chapter 6. Choosing Stocks: Finding the Right Ingredients.

Chapter 7. Strategies in Volatile Markets: Uncertainty as an Advantage.

Chapter 8. Selling Puts: The Overlooked Strategy.

Chapter 9. Combined Techniques: Creative Risk Management.

Chapter 10. Risk and Taxes: Rules of the Game.



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