All of Java's Input/Output (I/O) facilities are based on streams, which provide simple ways to read and write data of different types. Java provides many different kinds of streams, each with its own application. The universe of streams is divided into four largecategories: input streams and output streams, for reading and writing binary data; and readers and writers, for reading and writing textual (character) data. You're almost certainly familiar with the basic kinds of streams--but did you know that there's a CipherInputStream for reading encrypted data? And a ZipOutputStream for automaticallycompressing data? Do you know how to use buffered streams effectively to make your I/O operations more efficient? Java I/O, 2nd Edition has been updated for Java 5.0 APIs and tells you all you ever need to know about streams--and probably more. A discussion of I/O wouldn't be complete without treatment of character sets and formatting. Java supports the Unicode standard, which provides definitions for the character sets of most written languages. Consequently, Java is the first programming language that lets you do I/O in virtually any language. Java also provides a sophisticated model for formatting textual and numeric data. Java I/O, 2nd Edition shows you how to control number formatting, use characters aside from the standard (but outdated) ASCII character set, and get a head start on writing truly multilingual software. Java I/O, 2nd Edition includes: * Coverage of all I/O classes and related classes * Indepth coverage of Java's number formatting facilities and its support for international character sets
Elliotte Rusty Harold is originally from New Orleans to which he returns periodically in search of a decent bowl of gumbo. However, he currently resides in the Prospect Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn with his wife Beth and dog Thor. He's a frequent speaker at industry conferences including Software Development, Dr. Dobb's Architecture & Design World, SD Best Practices, Extreme Markup Languages, and too many user groups to count. His open source projects include the XOM Library for processing XML with Java and the Amateur media player.
Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface Part I. Basic I/O 1. Introducing I/O    What Is a Stream?    Numeric Data    Character Data    Readers and Writers    Buffers and Channels    The Ubiquitous IOException    The Console: System.out,, and System.err    Security Checks on I/O 2. Output Streams    Writing Bytes to Output Streams    Writing Arrays of Bytes    Closing Output Streams    Flushing Output Streams    Subclassing OutputStream    A Graphical User Interface for Output Streams 3. Input Streams    The read( ) Method    Reading Chunks of Data from a Stream    Counting the Available Bytes    Skipping Bytes    Closing Input Streams    Marking and Resetting    Subclassing InputStream    An Efficient Stream Copier Part II. Data Sources 4. File Streams    Reading Files    Writing Files    File Viewer, Part 1 5. Network Streams    URLs    URL Connections    Sockets    Server Sockets    URLViewer Part III. Filter Streams 6. Filter Streams    The Filter Stream Classes    The Filter Stream Subclasses    Buffered Streams    PushbackInputStream    ProgressMonitorInputStream    Multitarget Output Streams    File Viewer, Part 2 7. Print Streams    Print Versus Write    Line Breaks    Error Handling    printf( )    Formatter    Formattable 8. Data Streams    The Data Stream Classes    Integers    Floating-Point Numbers    Booleans    Byte Arrays    Strings and chars    Little-Endian Numbers    Thread Safety    File Viewer, Part 3 9. Streams in Memory    Sequence Input Streams    Byte Array Streams    Communicating Between Threads Using Piped Streams 10. Compressing Streams    Inflaters and Deflaters    Compressing and Decompressing Streams    Zip Files    Checksums    File Viewer, Part 4 11. JAR Archives    Meta-Information: Manifest Files and Signatures    The jar Tool    The java.util.jar Package    JarFile    JarEntry    Attributes    Manifest    JarInputStream    JarOutputStream    JarURLConnection    Pack200    Reading Resources from JAR Files 12. Cryptographic Streams    Hash Functions    The MessageDigest Class    Digest Streams    Encryption Basics    The Cipher Class    Cipher Streams    File Viewer, Part 5 13. Object Serialization    Reading and Writing Objects    Object Streams    How Object Serialization Works    Performance    The Serializable Interface    Versioning    Customizing the Serialization Format    Resolving Classes    Resolving Objects    Validation    Sealed Objects    JavaDoc Part IV. New I/O 14. Buffers    Copying Files with Buffers    Creating Buffers    Buffer Layout    Bulk Put and Get    Absolute Put and Get    Mark and Reset    Compaction    Duplication    Slicing    Typed Data    Read-Only Buffers    CharBuffers    Memory-Mapped I/O 15. Channels    The Channel Interfaces    File Channels    Converting Between Streams and Channels    Socket Channels    Server Socket Channels    Datagram Channels 16. Nonblocking I/O    Nonblocking I/O    Sel ...
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