Passion for the Game

eBook - Georgian

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780758290625
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2012
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A pirate and a black widow go head-to-head in this Georgian-era romance from the #1 bestselling author of the Crossfire Series.


Infamous for satisfying his limitless wants and desires, Christopher is a free man again. And this time hes on a mission to engage, deceive and seduce the one woman as ruthless as he is when it comes to dangerous games of passion . . .

Far from innocent in the ways of men, Maria is one step ahead of Christophers every move. It doesnt mean she isnt enjoying every delicious look, every unbridled kiss, every moment of abandon.

Neither of them could have imagined the moment when they would meet their matchor that they would surrender to each other again and again . . .

Praise forPassion for the Game

Day pulls out all the stops, juggling sizzling romance with high suspense and intrigue. The tangled threads of her plot are intricately woven with strands of in-depth characterization. Not only does Day titillate readers, she grabs them with a strong story and doesnt let go. RT Book Reviews, Top Pick

This historical romantic suspense grips the audience from the opening moment when readers meet the Wintry Widow and never slows down until the final confrontation. Maria and Christopher are terrific protagonists as they struggle between blackmailing demands and love. Sylvia Day writes a superb tale that will have her fans wondering throughout what the lead couple will choose. Midwest Book Review

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