Don't Tempt Me

eBook - Georgian

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780758290649
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In this Georgian-era romance by the #1 bestselling author of the Crossfire Series, an Irish soldier-for-hire falls for an enigmatic French femme fatale.


A hardened mercenary as adept in bed as in battle, Simon Quinn can have any woman he wants, but he prefers those who know the rules of the game. That way its easier to leave them behind...


But Lysette Rousseau is one female he cant figure out. Beautiful, sensual, seductive, she should be the perfect match for Simon, yet something about her ties him in knots. Bold and manipulative one time, sweetly innocent the next, she is an enigma bound to bring trouble . . . impossible to resist.

Praise forDont Tempt Me

Day crafts several intricate love stories (for a mother and twin daughters) that seamlessly slip from one scorching romance to another. Readers will devour every word of this daringly original, boldly sensual and brilliantly plotted bookand theyll be breathless by its riveting conclusion. RT Book Reviews, Top Pick

Set against the backdrop of pre-Revolutionary France, this bold, erotic tale of passion and revenge features a cast of colorful characters and a complex and intriguing plot. It will appeal most to readers who like their romantic adventures fast paced and laced with earthy language and graphic sex. Library Journal

Dangerous liaisons and deceptions are the key ingredients in the latest addition to Days sexy, espionage-steeped Georgian historical-romance series. Booklist

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