Marked Trilogy

eBook - (Eve of Darkness, Eve of Destruction, Eve of Chaos, Eve of Sin City), Marked Series

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780765396327
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1216 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2016
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This discounted ebundle of The Marked Trilogy includes: Eve of Darkness, Eve of Destruction, Eve of Chaos, and the short story:"e;Eve of Sin City"e;"e;Dark, gritty, and sexy to the max."e; -RT Book ReviewsFrom #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day (writing as S.J. Day) comes the Marked trilogy, starting with Eve of Darkness. This urban paranormal fantasy series tells the story of Evangeline Hollis, a heavenly bounty hunter, who's cursed by God, hunted by demons, and desired by none other than Cain and Abel. Uncontrollable bloodlust, dark and sexy desires, disasters of biblical proportions... S.J. Day's epic series has it all and is not to be missed.Eve of Darkness - Years ago, Evangeline Hollis spent a blistering night with a darkly seductive man she can't forget. Now Eve is thrust into a world where sinners are marked and drafted to kill demons. Her former one-night stand, Cain, is now her mentor-and his equally sexy brother Abel is her new boss.Eve of Destruction - When Eve's training class takes a field trip to an abandoned military base, things take a dark turn. Meanwhile, her body is still adapting to her new abilities and the challenges that came with them-such as uncontrollable bloodlust...which seems to be inciting another kind of lust altogether.Eve of Chaos - Eve runs over Satan's hellhound during training, so he puts a bounty on her head, and every demon in the country wants to deliver. Meanwhile, as Cain's role in Eve's life becomes more and more uncertain, Abel doesn't hesitate to step in.Eve of Sin City - A short story in the world of the Marked Trilogy, Sin City--Las Vegas--is home to humans and Infernals of all sorts: the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you ask Evangeline Hollis,"e;good"e; is in short supply,"e;ugly"e; might be amusing, but"e;bad"e; is most definitely her business.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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