Technological advances in semiconductor growth has opened a broad horizon for semiconductor physics and applications during the past 20 years. High quality two-. dimensional systems are achieved with nearly atomic precision by direct epitaxial growth. Such structures led to novel applications like low noise high frequency modulation doped field effect transistors and quantum well lasers. Semiconductor heterostructures of lower dimensionality like quantum wires and quantum dots are not yet as mature, partly due to the lack in precision oflateral structuring technology. In recent years, however, there was an enormous progress in novel epitaxial growth methods. This opens a wide new area of basic and applied semiconductor physics with the hope of novel applications in near future making use of the advantageous properties of one- and zero-dimensional systems. Ideas for future device applications mainly stem from the altered density of states being discrete or atomic-like for quantum dots. Optical spectroscopy has played and is playing a crucial role in the advancement of this fascinating field of semiconductor physics. The NATO school organized at Bilkent University in Ankara and in Antalya brought together experts in this field and newcomers, especially young Ph. D. students and postdocs, to learn about recent developments and to discuss open questions in the area of optical spectroscopy of low dimensional semiconductors. The school turned out to be extremely fruitful and there was a great enthusiasm among the lecturers and students during the whole two weeks.
Preface. Quantum Films and Superlattices. MBE Growth and Optical Properties of Si1-yCy and Si1-x-yGexCy Alloy Layers; K. Eberl, K. Brunner. Optical Processes in Two-Dimensional II-VI Systems; R. Cingolani. Optical Intersubband Absorption and Emission in Quantum Structures; F.H. Julien, P. Boucaud. Inelastic Light Scattering by Electrons in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors; A. Pinczuk, et al. Electric-Field Domains, Pockets Effect and Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Superlattices; R. Merlin. Quantum Wires. Structure and Optical Properties of Self-Ordered V-Groove Quantum Wires and Quantum Wells; E. Kapon. Cleaved Edge Overgrowth and 1D Lasers; W. Wegscheider, et al. Raman Scattering in Semiconductors with Wavelength Scale Dielectric Modulation; B. Jusserand, et al. Band-Gap Renormalization in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems; B. Tanatar. Optical Properties of 1D Quantum Structures; R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani. Conductance in Nanowires; H. Mehrez, S. Ciraci. Quantum Dots. Electronic properties of Quantum Dots and Artificial Atoms; J.-P. Leburton, S. Nagaraja. Self-Ordering of Nanostructures on Semiconductor Surfaces; V.A. Shchukin, et al. Fabrication of Quantum Dots for Semiconductor Lasers with Confined Electrons and Photons; Y. Arakawa. InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers; D. Bomberg, et al. Raman Scattering as a Diagnostic Tool of Semiconductor Nanofabrication; C.M. Sotomayor Torres. Optical Properties of a Low Dimensional Silicon Systems: Porous Silicon; A. Aydinli, A. Bek. Author Index. Subject Index.
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