European Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation: A Spatial Planning Perspective analyses the impacts climate change might have on regions and their local economies. Regions clearly differ in view of the complex patterns of climate change impact, but also regarding the given vulnerability and coping capacity.
Impacts of climate change can have a marked effect on the functioning of regions and sectors of the society, if not properly addressed. Readiness to adapt to the impacts and lasting changes counts towards vulnerability of the regions.
The book builds upon the findings of a project conducted under the European observation network for territorial development and cohesion (ESPON), The ESPON Climate project. Following the stipulations of the ESPON programme and the tender for this project the territorial focus is the raison dêtre and methodological core of the project as a whole and its various research actions: The outcomes of each action will be focused on what impacts global climate change will have for the different European regions and how the regions can cope with the projected impacts in order to become less vulnerable to climate change.
This book:
Provides a comprehensive analysis of climate change impacts on 29 European regions and their local economiesTakes an interdisciplinary approach dealing with the physical, social, economic, environmental, cultural and institutional aspects of climate change vulnerability and the consequences for spatial planningBuilds on the findings of the ESPON Climate project with a policy focused approachIs in full colour throughout with a broad range of case studies
Biographies xi
Acknowledgements xiii
List of Contributors xv
Chapter 1 Introducing the pan-European approach to integration on climate change impacts and vulnerabilities into regional development perspectives 1
Philipp Schmidt-Thome and Stefan Greiving
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Further research 3
1.3 Structure of the book 4
References 4
Chapter 2 Methodology for an integrated climate change vulnerability assessment 5
Johannes Luckenkotter, Christian Lindner and Stefan Greiving
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Overview of the methodology 6
2.3 Methodology in detail 7
2.4 Methodological reflections 13
2.5 Conclusion 14
References 14
Chapter 3 Identifying a typology of climate change in Europe 17
Carsten Walther, Anne Holsten and Jurgen P. Kropp
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Methods applied 18
3.3 Results and discussion 23
3.4 Conclusion 29
References 29
Chapter 4 Climate change exposure assessment of European regions 31
Christian Lindner, Stefan Greiving and Anne Holsten
4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Future climate projections: the CCLM model 32
4.3 Indicators on exposure to climatic stimuli 33
4.4 Patterns of climatic changes across Europe 36
4.5 Conclusion 48
References 48
Chapter 5 Physical, environmental, social and cultural impacts of climate change on Europes regions 51
Johannes Luckenkotter, Christian Lindner, Florian Flex and Stefan Greiving
5.1 Introduction 51
5.2 Physical impacts of climate change 52
5.3 Environmental impacts of climate change 59
5.4 Social impacts of climate change 71
5.5 Cultural impact of climate change 80
References 89
Chapter 6 Economic impacts of climate change on Europes regions 95
Johannes Luckenkotter, Ove Langeland, Bjørg Langset, Emmanouil Tranos, Simin Davoudi and Christian Lindner
6.1 Introduction 96
6.2 Agriculture and forestry 96
6.3 Tourism 99
6.4 Energy 105
6.5 Combined economic impact of climate change 110
References 110
Chapter 7 Assessing adaptive capacity to climate change in European regions 113
Sirkku Juhola, Lasse Peltonen and Petteri Niemi
7.1 Introduction 113
7.2 Adaptation and adaptive capacity 114
7.3 Assessing adaptive capacity 116
7.4 Mapping the adaptive capacity of European regions 119
7.5 Enhancement of adaptive capacity in Europe 125
7.6 Conclusion 128
References 128
Chapter 8 Exploring mitigative and response capacities to climate change in European regions 131
Sirkku Juhola, Lasse Peltonen, Petteri Niemi and Jarmo Vehmas
8.1 Introduction 131
8.2 Regional capacities to mitigate climate change 132
8.3 Regional GHG emissions 133
8.4 Determinants of mitigative capacity 134
8.5 Territorial potentials for mitigation of climate change 138
8.6 Regional response capacity to deal with climate change 140
8.7 Conclusion 145
References 145
Chapter 9 Overall impact and vulnerability to climate change in Europe 147
Johannes Luckenkotter, Christian Lindner and Stefan Greiving
9.1 Overall potential impact of climate change 148
9.2 Vulnerability to climate change 159
9.3 Conclusions 166
References 169
Chapter 10 Role of case studies methodological concept 171
Stefan Greiving and Philipp Schmidt-Thome
10.1 Case studies 171
References 174
Chapter 11 Integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change: the case study North RhineWestphalia 175
Anne Holsten, Carsten Walther, Olivia Roithmeier and Jurgen P. Kropp
11.1 Introduction 176
11.2 Description of the study area 176
11.3 Past climatic changes and their impacts in the study area 178
11.4 Methodology of an integrated vulnerability assessment 178
11.5 Results 189
11.6 Discussion 195
11.7 Conclusion 200
Acknowledgements 200
References 200
Chapter 12 Climate change impacts on the Hungarian, Romanian and Slovak Territories of the Tisza catchment area 205
Krisztian Schneller, Gabor Balint, Alina Chicos, Maria Csete, Jan Dzurdzenik, Annamaria Goncz, Alexandru-Ionut Petrisor, Tesliar Jaroslav and Tamas Palvolgyi
12.1 Introduction 206
12.2 Brief characteristics of Tisza River Basin 206
12.3 Climate change impacts on Tisza River Basin 208
12.4 Vulnerability assessment of the Tisza River case study area 210
12.5 Existing climate change adaptation strategies in the case study area 219
12.6 Policy recommendation and implications 226
References 227
Chapter 13 Tourism, climate change and water resources: coastal Mediterranean Spain as an example 231
David Saurý, Jorge Olcina, Jose Fernando Vera, Javier Martýn-Vide, Hug March, Anna Serra-Llobet and Emilio Padilla
13.1 Introduction 232
13.2 The study area: a brief presentation 233
13.3 Methodological outline 234
13.4 Vulnerability assessment 237
13.5 Response strategies and policy development 247
13.6 Further outlook on the issue: public perception of the relationships between climate change, water resources and tourism in the tourist zones 249
13.7 Conclusions 249
Acknowledgements 251
References 251
Chapter 14 Sensitivity analyses of the ESPON Climate framework, on the basis of the case study on flooding in the Netherlands 253
Joost M. Knoop, Arno Bouwman and Hans Visser
14.1 Introduction 254
14.2 Flood protection in the Netherlands 256
14.3 Flood modelling 258
14.4 Sensitivity analysis 261
14.5 Discussion and conclusions 266
References 270
Chapter 15 Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Alpine space: a case study on the adaptive capacity of the tourism sector 273
Sylvia Kruse, Manuela Stiffler, Daniel Baumgartner and Marco Putz
15.1 Introduction 274
15.2 Climate change impacts and the adaptation of Alpine tourism 275
15.3 Assessing adaptive capacity: methods and measures 277
15.4 Results 281
15.5 Discussion and conclusions 284
References 285
Chapter 16 Comparative analysis of the case studies 289
Stefan Greiving
16.1 Comparative analysis 289
Reference 294
Chapter 17 Implications for territorial development and challenges for the territorial cohesion of the European Union 295
Stefan Greiving, Philipp Schmidt-Thome, Simin Davoudi, Lasse Peltonen and Teresa Sprague
17.1 Introduction 296
17.2 Climate change and its implications for existing European policies 296
17.3 Policy options for climate change adaptation and mitigation 303
17.4 Conclusions 318
References 319
Index 323