This new anthology brings together the most diverse and recent voices in postcolonial theory to emerge since 9/11, alongside classic texts in established areas of postcolonial studies.
Brings fresh insight and renewed political energy to established domains such as nation, history, literature, and genderEngages with contemporary concerns such as globalization, digital cultures, neo-colonialism, and language debatesIncludes wide geographical coverage from Ireland and India to Israel and PalestineProvides uniquely broad coverage, offering a full sense of the tradition, including significant essays on science, technology and development, education and literacy, digital cultures, and transnationalismEdited by a distinguished postcolonial scholar, this insightful volume serves scholars and students across multiple disciplines from literary and cultural studies, to anthropology and digital studies
Preface x
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
Part 1 Framing the Postcolonial 13
1 The Fact of Blackness 15
Frantz Fanon
2 Introduction to Orientalism 33
Edward Said
3 Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse 53
Homi K. Bhabha
4 Scattered Speculations on the Subaltern and the Popular 60
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
5 Third?]World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism 71
Fredric Jameson
6 Jamesons Rhetoric of Otherness and the National Allegory 91
Aijaz Ahmad
7 Re-Orientalism: The Perpetration and Development of Orientalism by Orientals 110
Lisa Lau
8 Postcolonial Remains 125
Robert JC Young
9 Postcolonial Studies and the Challenge of Climate Change 144
Dipesh Chakrabarty
Part 2 The Question of History and Historical Subjects 159
10 Historylessness: Australia as a Settler Colonial Collective 161
Lorenzo Veracini
11 Latin American Postcolonial Studies and Global Decolonization 175
Fernando Coronil
12 History Without a Cause? Grand Narratives, World History, and the Postcolonial Dilemma 193
Barbara Weinstein
13 Africa As an Alien Future: The Middle Passage, Afrofuturism, and Postcolonial Waterworlds 211
Ruth Mayer
Part 3 Language, Literacy, Education 223
14 On English from India: Prepositions to Post-Positions 225
K. Narayana Chandran
15 Rhetorical Sovereignty: What Do American Indians Want from Writing? 239
Scott Richard Lyons
16 Histories of Publishing under Apartheid: Oxford University Press in South Africa 258
Caroline Davis
17 Re-ethicizing the Classroom: Pedagogy, the Public Sphere, and the Postcolonial Condition 281
Ajay Heble
Part 4 Nation, Space, Identity 295
18 Whiteness in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe: The Time of The Gypsies, The End of Race 297
Anikó Imre
19 Asian Canadian Futures: Diasporic Passages and the Routes of Indenture 316
Lily Cho
20 Ireland, Empire and Utopia: Irish Postcolonial Criticism and the Utopian Impulse 331
Eóin Flannery
21 Narrative Agency and Thinking about Conflicts 354
Nandana Dutta
22 The Ballad of the Sad Café: Israeli Leisure, Palestinian Terror, and the Post/colonial Question 370
Rebecca L. Stein
Part 5 Transnationalism and Cosmopolitanism 385
23 Cosmopolitanism and the De-colonial Option 387
Walter D. Mignolo
24 Solidarity and Spheres of Culture: The Cosmopolitan and the Postcolonial 405
Vivienne Jabri
25 Literature/Identity: Transnationalism, Narrative and Representation 418
Arif Dirlik
26 The Limits of Cultural Hybridity: On Ritual Monsters, Poetic Licence and Contested Postcolonial Purifications 438
Pnina Werbner
Part 6 Gender and Sexuality 457
27 Veils and Sales:Muslims and the Spaces of Postcolonial Fashion Retail 459
Reina Lewis
28 Patriarchal Colonialism and Indigenism: Implications for Native Feminist Spirituality and Native Womanism 473
M. A. Jaimes Guerrero
29 Sex, Violence and History in the Lives of Idi Amin: Postcolonial Masculinity as Masquerade 483
Mark Leopold
30 Empire, Desire and Violence: A Queer Transnational Feminist Reading of The Prisoner Abuse in Abu Ghraib and the Question of Gender Equality 495
Melanie Richter?]Montpetit
Part 7 Science, Environment, Development 513
31 Slow Violence, Gender, and the Environmentalism of the Poor 515
Rob Nixon
32 Postcolonial and Feminist Philosophies of Science and Technology: Convergences and Dissonances 533
Sandra Harding
33 The Myth of Isolates: Ecosystem Ecologies in the Nuclear Pacific 553
Elizabeth M. DeLoughrey
34 Bio-Prospecting or Bio-Piracy: Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity in a Colonial and Postcolonial Context 570
John Merson
Part 8 Globalization, Digital Cultures, Identity 585
35 Global Primordialities: Virtual Identity Politics in Online Hindutva and Online Dalit Discourse 587
Rohit Chopra
36 Hidden Sides of the Credit Economy: Emotions, Outsourcing, and Indian Call Centers 602
Winifred R. Poster
37 eEmpires 627
Rita Raley
38 The Woman on the Other Side of the Wall: Archiving the Otherwise in Postcolonial Digital Archives 652
Elizabeth A. Povinelli
Index 000