Preface xix
Notes on Contributors xxiii
Section I Introduction 1
1 The Promise and Challenge of 3MC Research 3
Timothy P. Johnson, BethEllen Pennell, Ineke A.L. Stoop, and Brita Dorer
2 Improving Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural (3MC) Comparability Using the Total Survey Error (TSE) Paradigm 13
Tom W. Smith
3 Addressing Equivalence and Bias in Crosscultural Survey Research Within a Mixed Methods Framework 45
JoseLuis Padilla, Isabel Benitez, and Fons J.R. van de Vijver
Section II Sampling Approaches 65
4 Innovative Sample Designs Using GIS Technology 67
Stephanie Eckman, Kristen Himelein, and Jill A. Dever
5 Withinhousehold Selection of Respondents 93
Achim Koch
Section III Crosscultural Questionnaire Design and Testing 113
6 Overview of Questionnaire Design and Testing 115
Julie A.J. de Jong, Brita Dorer, Sunghee Lee, Ting Yan, and Ana Villar
7 Sensitive Questions in Comparative Surveys 139
Anna V. Andreenkova and Debra Javeline
8 Implementing a Multinational Study of Questionnaire Design 161
Henning Silber, Tobias H. Stark, Annelies G. Blom, and Jon A. Krosnick
9 Using Anchoring Vignettes to Correct for Differential Response Scale Usage in 3MC Surveys 181
Mengyao Hu, Sunghee Lee, and Hongwei Xu
10 Conducting Cognitive Interviewing Studies to Examine Survey Question Comparability 203
Kristen Miller
11 Setting Up the Cognitive Interview Task for NonEnglishspeaking Participants in the United States 227
Hyunjoo Park and Patricia L. Goerman
12 Working Toward Comparable Meaning of Different Language Versions of Survey Instruments: Do Monolingual and Bilingual Cognitive Testing Respondents Help to Uncover the Same Issues? 251
Patricia L. Goerman, Mikelyn Meyers, Mandy Sha, Hyunjoo Park, and Alisu SchouaGlusberg
13 Examining the Comparability of Behavior Coding Across Cultures 271
Timothy P. Johnson, Allyson Holbrook, Young Ik Cho, Sharon Shavitt,Noel Chavez, and Saul Weiner
Section IV Languages, Translation, and Adaptation 293
14 How to Choose Interview Language in Different Countries 295
Anna V. Andreenkova
15 Can the Language of Survey Administration Influence Respondents Answers? 325
Emilia Peytcheva
16 Documenting the Survey Translation and Monitoring Process 341
Dorothée Behr, Steve Dept, and Elica Krajeva
17 Preventing Differences in Translated Survey Items Using the Survey Quality Predictor 357
Diana ZavalaRojas, Willem E. Saris, and Irmtraud N. Gallhofer
Section V Mixed Mode and Mixed Methods 385
18 The Design and Implementation of Mixedmode Surveys 387
Edith D. de Leeuw, Z. Tuba SuzerGurtekin, and Joop J. Hox
19 Mixedmode Surveys: Design, Estimation, and Adjustment Methods 409
Z. Tuba SuzerGurtekin, Richard Valliant, Steven G. Heeringa,and Edith D. de Leeuw
20 Mixed Methods in a Comparative Context: Technology and New Opportunities for Social Science Research 431
Nathalie E. Williams and Dirgha J. Ghimire
Section VI Response Styles 455
21 Crosscultural Comparability of Response Patterns of Subjective Probability Questions 457
Sunghee Lee, Florian Keusch, Norbert Schwarz, Mingnan Liu, and Z. Tuba SuzerGurtekin
22 Response Styles in Crosscultural Surveys 477
Mingnan Liu, Z. Tuba SuzerGurtekin, Florian Keusch, and Sunghee Lee
23 Examining Translation and Respondents Use of Response Scales in 3MC Surveys 501
Ting Yan and Mengyao Hu
Section VII Data Collection Challenges and Approaches 519
24 Data Collection in Crossnational and International Surveys:Regional Case Studies 521
Kristen Cibelli Hibben, BethEllen Pennell, Sarah M. Hughes,Yuchieh (Jay) Lin, and Jennifer Kelley
25 Survey Data Collection in SubSaharan Africa (SSA): Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities 533
Sarah M. Hughes and Yuchieh (Jay) Lin
26 Survey Challenges and Strategies in the Middle East and Arab Gulf Regions 555
Justin Gengler, Kien Trung Le, and David Howell
27 Data Collection in Crossnational and International Surveys: Latin America and the Caribbean 569
J. Daniel Montalvo, Mitchell A. Seligson, and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister
28 Survey Research in India and China 583
Charles Q. Lau, Ellen Marks, and Ashish Kumar Gupta
29 Best Practices for Panel Maintenance and Retention 597
Nicole Watson, Eva Leissou, Heidi Guyer, and Mark Wooden
30 Collection of Biomeasures in a Crossnational Setting: Experiences in SHARE 623
Luzia M. Weiss, Joseph W. Sakshaug, and Axel BorschSupan
31 Multinational Event History Calendar Interviewing 643
Yfke P. Ongena, Marieke Haan, and Wil Dijkstra
32 Ethical Considerations in the Total Survey Error Context 665
Julie A.J. de Jong
33 Linking Auxiliary Data to Survey Data: Ethical and Legal Challenges in Europe and the United States 683
Kirstine Kolsrud, LinnMerethe Rød, and Katrine U. Segadal
Section VIII Quality Control and Monitoring 705
34 Organizing and Managing Comparative Surveys 707
Lesli Scott, Peter Ph. Mohler, and Kristen Cibelli Hibben
35 Case Studies on Monitoring Interviewer Behavior in International and Multinational Surveys 731
Zeina Mneimneh, Lars Lyberg, Sharan Sharma, Mahesh Vyas,Dhananjay Bal Sathe, Frederic Malter, and Yasmin Altwaijri
36 New Frontiers in Detecting Data Fabrication 771
Michael Robbins
Section IX Nonresponse 807
37 Comparing Nonresponse and Nonresponse Biases in Multinational,Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts 809
James Wagner and Ineke A.L. Stoop
38 Geographic Correlates of Nonresponse in California: A Cultural Ecosystems Perspective 835
Matt Jans, Kevin McLaughlin, Joseph Viana, David Grant, Royce Park and Ninez A. Ponce
39 Additional Languages and Representativeness 859
Oliver Lipps and Michael Ochsner
Section X Multigroup Analysis 879
40 Measurement Invariance in International Largescale Assessments:Integrating Theory and Method 881
Deana Desa, Fons J.R. van de Vijver, Ralph Carstens and Wolfram Schulz
41 Approximate Measurement Invariance 911
Kimberley Lek, Daniel Oberski, Eldad Davidov, Jan Cieciuch, Daniel Seddig, and Peter Schmidt
42 Data Harmonization, Data Documentation, and Dissemination 933
Peter Granda
43 Basic Principles of Survey Data Recycling 937
Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and Irina TomescuDubrow
44 Survey Data Harmonization and the Quality of Data Documentation in Crossnational Surveys 963
Marta Koczyska and Matthew Schoene
45 Identification of Processing Errors in Crossnational Surveys 985
Olena Oleksiyenko, Ilona Wysmulek, and Anastas Vangeli
46 Item Metadata as Controls for Ex Post Harmonization of International Survey Projects 1011
Marta Koczyska and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski
47 The Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Weights in International Survey Projects: Implications for Survey Data Harmonization 1035
Marcin W. Zieliski, Przemek Powako, and Marta Koczyska
Section XII Looking Forward 1053
48 Prevailing Issues and the Future of Comparative Surveys 1055
Lars Lyberg, Lilli Japec, and Can Tongur
Wiley Series In Survey Methodology 1083
Index 1087