Introduction 1
About This Book 1
Foolish Assumptions 2
Icons Used in This Book 3
Beyond the Book 4
Where to Go from Here 5
Part 1: Discovering the AWS Development Environment 7
Chapter 1: Starting Your AWS Adventure 9
Defining the AWS Cloud 10
Understanding service-driven application architectures 10
Understanding process- and function-driven work flows 12
Discovering IaaS 14
Defining IaaS 15
Comparing IaaS to SaaS 16
Comparing IaaS to PaaS 17
Determining Why You Should Use AWS 18
Comparing AWS to other cloud services 18
Defining target areas where AWS works best 19
Considering the app types that AWS supports best 20
Considering the AWS-Supported Platforms 22
Obtaining an overview of the supported platforms 23
Choosing an appropriate platform for your needs 25
Chapter 2: Obtaining Development Access to Amazon Web Services 27
Discovering the Limits of Free Services 28
Expiring services versus non-expiring services 29
Considering the usage limits 31
Considering the Hardware Requirements 32
Hosting the services locally 32
Hosting the services in the cloud 34
Defining a good development environment 35
Getting Signed Up 36
Obtaining an account 37
Getting access keys 42
Testing Your Setup 47
Chapter 3: Choosing the Right Services 51
Getting a Quick Overview of Free-Tier Services 52
Understanding the free services 53
Working with the online labs 58
Choosing a free services path 59
Considering the eventual need for paid services 60
Matching AWS Services to Your Application 65
Working with services during the free period 65
Interacting with services after the free period 66
Considering AWS Security Issues 67
Getting the Amazon view of security 67
Getting the expert view of security 68
Discovering the reality of Amazon security 69
Employing AWS security best practices 69
Using the IAM Policy Simulator to check access 69
Part 2: Starting the Development Process 73
Chapter 4: Considering AWS Communication Strategies 75
Defining the Major Communication Standards 76
Transporting the data 76
Obtaining an API method listing 78
Making a request 78
Understanding How REST Works 80
Defining REST resources 80
Working with requests and responses 81
Overcoming those really annoying signature issues 83
Chapter 5: Creating a Development Environment 87
Choosing a Platform 88
Considering the AWS-supported options 88
Using JavaScript for browser examples 90
Using Python for local examples 91
Obtaining and Installing Python 91
Obtaining Continuum Analytics Anaconda version 4.3.1 92
Installing Python on Linux 93
Installing Python on MacOS 94
Installing Python on Windows 95
Using Jupyter Notebook 98
Defining the code repository 100
Working with the Identity and Access Management Console 106
Configuring root access 107
Signing into a user account 111
Installing the Command Line Interface Software 112
Getting started with CLI 112
Obtaining additional information and help 113
Configuring S3 Using CLI 114
Creating the aws utility configuration file 115
Obtaining S3 information 116
Configuring S3 Using Node.js 117
Installing Node.js 117
Configuring Node.js 118
Dealing with credentials 119
Dealing with Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 119
Making a call 122
Configuring S3 Using a Desktop Application 123
Installing boto 124
Listing S3 buckets 124
Chapter 6: Creating a Virtual Server Using EC2 125
Getting to Know the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 126
Understanding basic EC2 configuration 126
Defining the security setup 128
Using the standard storage options 130
Working with Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volumes 130
Knowing the EBS volume types 130
Creating an EBS volume 131
Discovering Images and Instances 137
Generating security keys 138
Creating an instance 138
Connecting to the instance 143
Part 3: Performing Basic Development Tasks 145
Chapter 7: Understanding AWS Input/Output 147
Considering the Input/Output Options 148
Working with JSON 149
Working with XML 150
Working with Amazon API Gateway 151
Defining the uses for the API Gateway 151
Defining the security requirements 151
Understanding models 153
Mapping templates 153
Creating an API Gateway using the console 154
Accessing an API Gateway using the CLI 161
Chapter 8: Developing Web Apps Using Elastic Beanstalk 165
Considering Elastic Beanstalk (EB) Features 166
Deploying an EB Application 168
Creating the application entry 168
Testing the application deployment 178
Setting application security 178
Configuring the application 181
Working with application environments 182
Updating an EB Application 183
Getting the sample code and making a change 184
Uploading the modified application 184
Switching application versions 186
Removing Unneeded Applications 188
Monitoring Your Application Using Amazon CloudWatch 188
Chapter 9: Developing Batch Processes and Scripts 191
Considering the Batch-Processing and Script Options 192
Defining the difference between batch processing and scripting 192
Understanding the batch-processing options 193
Understanding the scripting options 196
Performing Batch Processing Locally 198
Developing Scripts 199
Using Scripts Locally 201
Interacting with aws-shell 202
Considering aws-shell features 202
Getting aws-shell 203
Performing simple tasks 204
Obtaining help 206
Editing your commands 206
Chapter 10: Responding to Events with Lambda 209
Considering the Lambda Features 210
Working with a server 210
Working in a serverless environment 211
Starting the Lambda Console 212
Creating a Basic Lambda Application 214
Selecting a Lambda blueprint 214
Configuring a function 216
Using ensembles for functions 222
Creating the test setup 223
Testing the function 223
Fixing test function errors 226
Checking the function metrics 226
Modifying the function code 227
Deleting the function 229
Interacting with Simple Queue Services (SQS) 229
Creating a queue using the console 230
Working with the CLI to configure SQS 232
Writing a program in Python 233
Using Lambda to create entries 234
Part 4: Interacting with Databases 239
Chapter 11: Getting Basic DBMS Using RDS 241
Considering the Relational Database Service (RDS) Features 242
Choosing a database engine 242
Understanding the need to scale efficiently 245
Defining data replication 246
Cloning your database 247
Managing RDS 248
Accessing the RDS Management Console 249
Using the CLI alternative 254
Performing management tasks programmatically 256
Creating a Database Server 257
Installing a database access product 258
Accessing the instance 258
Adding tables 260
Working with other features 260
Adding Support to Applications 265
Considering the access requirements 265
Configuring the MySQL setup 267
Interacting with the database 267
Configuring Load Balancing and Scaling 269
Defining the purpose of load balancing 269
Working with Elastic Load Balancing 270
Defining the purpose of scaling 274
Working with Auto Scaling 275
Chapter 12: Programming Techniques for AWS and MySQL 279
Interacting with RDS 280
Interacting with option groups using the console 281
Using the CLI to work with events 288
Employing programming techniques to read and write parameter groups 293
Working with MySQL Code 300
Enabling stored procedures, functions, and triggers 300
Using stored procedures 301
Working with the MySQL/RDS Tables 302
Performing Data Uploads 305
Performing Data Downloads 307
Chapter 13: Gaining NoSQL Access Using DynamoDB 309
Considering the DynamoDB Features 310
Getting a quick overview of NoSQL 310
NoSQL Limitations 311
Differentiating between NoSQL and relational databases 312
Defining typical uses for DynamoDB 314
Downloading a Local Copy of DynamoDB 314
Performing the installation 314
Starting DynamoDB locally 315
Overcoming the Windows OSError issue 316
Testing your DynamoDB installation 316
Creating a Basic DynamoDB Setup 318
Developing a Basic Database 321
Configuring tables 322
Adding items 327
Modifying items 332
Copying items 332
Deleting items 333
Deleting a table 333
Performing Queries 333
Using the console 333
Querying the database programmatically 336
Part 5: The Part of Tens 339
Chapter 14: Ten Ways to Create AWS Applications Quickly 341
Working at the Console 341
Using Example Source Code 342
Combining Trial-and-Error Techniques 343
Watching the Videos 343
Attending the Webinars 344
Discovering Others Efforts 345
Depending on Peer Support 345
Working with Blogs 346
Using Alternative Sources 347
Going Back to Tutorials 347
Chapter 15: Ten AWS Tools Every Developer Needs 349
Obtaining Additional Amazon Offerings 350
Enhancing ASW services directly 350
Employing Tools for Amazon Web Services 350
Wandering through Amazon Marketplace 351
Getting Amazon-supported peer help 352
Partnering with a Third Party 352
Developing New Knowledge 353
Getting an education 353
Locating online blogs and note sources 354
Rely on an information repository 354
Using Bitnami Developer Tools- 355
Relying on Device Emulators 355
Index 357