The Handbook of Social Control offers a comprehensive review of the concepts of social control in today's environment and focuses on the most relevant theories associated with social control. With contributions from noted experts in the field across 32 chapters, the depth and scope of the Handbook reflects the theoretical and methodological diversity that exists within the study of social control. Chapters explore various topics including: theoretical perspectives; institutions and organizations; law enforcement; criminal justice agencies; punishment and incarceration; surveillance; and global developments.
This Handbook explores a variety of issues and themes on social control as being a central theme of criminological reflection. The text clearly demonstrates the rich heritage of the major relevant perspectives of social control and provides an overview of the most important theories and dimensions of social control today.
Written for academics, undergraduate, and graduate students in the fields of criminology, criminal justice, and sociology,The Handbook of Social Control is an indispensable resource that explores a contemporary view of the concept of social control.
Notes on Contributors viii
Introduction: Social Control Today 1
Mathieu Deflem
Part I Theories and Perspectives 7
1 Social Control: History of the Concept 9
James J. Chriss
2 Deviance, Social Control, and Criminalization 23
Robert F. Meier
3 Law as Social Control 36
A. Javier Treviño
4 Social Geometry and Social Control 50
Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning
5 Discipline and Governmentality 63
Steven Hutchinson and Pat OMalley
Part II Institutions and Organizations 77
6 Social Control in Organizations 79
Calvin Morrill and Brittany Arsiniega
7 Psychiatric Control 93
Bruce A. Arrigo and Heather Y. Bersot
8 Juvenile Justice 107
Shelly S. Schaefer
9 Social Movements and Social Control 121
Sherry Cable
Part III Criminal Justice 137
10 Race and the Criminal Justice System 139
April D. Fernandes and Robert D. Crutchfield
11 Gun Control 153
Gary Kleck
12 Restorative Justice 167
Rachel Rogers and Holly Ventura Miller
13 Crime Prevention 181
Kristie R. Blevins
14 Actuarial Justice 194
Gil Rothschild]Elyassi, Johann Koehler, and Jonathan Simon
Part IV Law Enforcement and Policing 207
15 History of Policing 209
Massimiliano Mulone
16 Police Technology 221
James J. Willis
17 Policing Terrorism 235
Mathieu Deflem and Stephen Chicoine
18 Police and Radicalization 249
Derek M. D. Silva
19 Police Accountability and Ethics 263
Toycia Collins and Charles F. Klahm IV
Part V Punishment and Prison 277
20 History of the Prison 279
Ashley T. Rubin
21 Prison Culture 293
Laura McKendy and Rose Ricciardelli
22 Mass Incarceration 306
Roy F. Janisch
23 Abolitionism and Decarceration 319
Nicolas Carrier, Justin Piché, and Kevin Walby
24 The Death Penalty 333
Paul Kaplan
Part VI Surveillance 347
25 Technologies of Surveillance 349
Stéphane Leman]Langlois
26 Surveillance and Public Space 361
Kiyoshi Abe
27 Countersurveillance 374
James P. Walsh
28 Surveillance in Popular Culture 389
Anna S. Rogers
Part VII Globalization 401
29 Border Control as a Technology of Social Control 403
Alexander C. Diener and Joshua Hagen
30 Immigration Policies 416
Samantha Hauptman
31 International Policing and Peacekeeping 428
Michael J. Jenkins and John Casey
32 Human Rights and Social Control 442
Joachim J. Savelsberg and Brooke B. Chambers
Index 456