Pro Tools All-in-One For Dummies


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781119514565
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 784 S., 44.07 MB
Auflage: 4. Auflage 2018
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


A complete Pro Tools reference - from recording to mixing to mastering

Pro Tools has long been the recording industry's leading solution for capturing, mixing, and outputting audio. While it was once a tool known and used exclusively by engineers in pro studios, it is now readily available to anyone wishing to create their own recording.

This updated edition ofPro Tools All-in-One For Dummiescovers the features youll encounter in both Pro Tools | First as well as the versions designed for next-level recording. It guides you through the very basics of recording, capturing both live and digital instruments, how to sweeten your sound in mixing, and how to tweak and output your final master. Now get ready to make some beautiful sounds!

Get up to speed with recording basicsPick the Pro Tools version that works for youRecord acoustic audioGet to know MIDIDiscover how to set compression and EQSweeten your final product with masteringCreate a final file you can stream online

Assuming no past experience with audio recording, this book shares the basics of recording and how to capture both live and digital instruments using Pro Tools.


Jeff Strong is a musician and recording engineer, as well as the founder of Brain Shift Radio ( and president of the Strong Institute. He has owned or worked in a recording studio since 1985 and has released dozens of CDs.


Introduction 1

Book 1: Getting Started with Pro Tools 5

Chapter 1: Discovering What You Need 7

Chapter 2: Configuring Your Computer 33

Chapter 3: Choosing and Setting Up Your Hardware 49

Chapter 4: Examining Software Basics 59

Book 2: Understanding Recording Basics 79

Chapter 1: Getting Connected: Setting Up Your Studio 81

Chapter 2: Understanding Signal Flow 105

Chapter 3: Understanding the Pro Tools Windows 123

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting Files 169

Book 3: Recording Live Audio and Acoustic Instruments 195

Chapter 1: Taking Care of Tracks 197

Chapter 2: Understanding Microphones 217

Chapter 3: Miking: Getting a Great Source Sound 245

Chapter 4: Preparing to Record 285

Chapter 5: Recording Audio 307

Book 4: Recording Electronic Instruments with MIDI 331

Chapter 1: Understanding Electronic Instruments and MIDI 333

Chapter 2: Preparing to Record MIDI 349

Chapter 3: Recording Electronic Instruments with MIDI 367

Book 5: Editing Your Performances (Audio and MIDI) 385

Chapter 1: Audio Editing Basics 387

Chapter 2: Selecting Material to Edit 411

Chapter 3: Getting into Editing 441

Chapter 4: Adding to Your Audio Editing Palette 471

Chapter 5: Editing MIDI Data 495

Chapter 6: Performing MIDI Operations 525

Book 6: Mixing 549

Chapter 1: Mixing Basics 551

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Mix 567

Chapter 3: Using Equalization 593

Chapter 4: Digging into Dynamics Processors 609

Chapter 5: Singling Out Signal Processors 631

Chapter 6: Automating Your Mix 641

Chapter 7: Making Your Mix 659

Book 7: Mastering 667

Chapter 1: Mastering Basics 669

Chapter 2: Mastering Your Music 677

Book 8: Getting Your Music to the Masses 691

Chapter 1: Putting Your Music on CD and Vinyl 693

Chapter 2: Getting Your Music on the Internet 707

Index 727

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