Foreword xi
Dominique PON, Stéphane OUSTRIC, Jérôme BÉRANGER
Acknowledgements xv
Introduction xvii
Part 1. The Health System and Digital Technology: Challenges, Issues, and Transformations1
Introduction to Part 1 3
Chapter 1. Digital Integration and Healthcare Pathways in the Territories 5
1.1. Introduction 5
1.2. What lessons can be learned from integrated American and Swiss models? 8
1.2.1. The cradle: the United States 8
1.2.2. The Swiss model of the Delta network 13
1.3. Digital technology as a challenge for territorial integration in the context of healthcare in France 16
1.3.1. Healthcare territories: starting from the patient-user rather than from the offer of health and medico-social actors? 17
1.3.2. An exemplary structuring of the territory? The TSN program and the E-Parcours 20
1.3.3. What lessons can be learned? 23
1.3.4. PTAs and CPTS: the Alpha and Omega of healthcare territory structuring? 23
1.3.5. Launch of SNAC in regions 25
1.4. Digital integration and aging in France: from health pathway to life pathway 26
1.5. Conclusion 27
1.6. References 28
Chapter 2. Digital Technology in a Cancer Patients Primary-Secondary Care Journey 35
2.1. Introduction 35
2.2. Organization of cancer care 36
2.2.1. Cancer plans 36
2.2.2. Primary care actors 36
2.3. Regional health organization for patient management 38
2.3.1. Healthcare supply 38
2.3.2. Transmission of information 40
2.4. Theoretical pathway of a cancer patient 41
2.5. Cancer announcement 44
2.6. Management of treatment-related adverse events 45
2.7. Patient follow-up 47
2.7.1. After cancer 47
2.7.2. Alternating monitoring 48
2.8. Ethics to support the primary to secondary care journey 49
2.8.1. Deontology 50
2.8.2. Ethical questioning 51
2.8.3. Impacts and consequences of digital technology on the healthcare pathway 52
2.9. Conclusion 53
2.10. References 54
Chapter 3. A Smart Health Record for Better Coordination: A Sociological Analysis of the Organizational Dynamics of the Calipso Project57
Valentin BERTHOU
3.1. Solving health problems through better coordination 57
3.1.1. A context conducive to home automation technologies in healthcare 57
3.1.2. A digital liaison notebook to facilitate the transmission of information 59
3.2. Historicity of the Calipso project 62
3.2.1. A bundle of information for thinking about the digital liaison notebook 62
3.2.2. Territorial anchoring of the project in an already established network of actors 63
3.3. Collaboration as an object of study and theoretical framework 64
3.3.1. A multidisciplinary team to carry out a project in Living Lab mode 64
3.3.2. What theoretical framework for dealing with complex situations? Knotworking, the core of reflection on the activity 66
3.4. Identifying specific coordination problems to propose a general technological solution 68
3.4.1. Building on problems identified in the field 68
3.4.2. A design for experimentation, functionalities for the needs of professionals 69
3.4.3. Through the projection of professional standards in the tool, misunderstanding of coordination and collaboration 70
3.4.4. Technology, neutral ground for cooperation? 72
3.5. Methodological course of the tailor-made experimental device 73
3.6. (Preliminary) results and conclusions 74
3.7. References 78
Part 2. Digital Technology and Transformations in the Relationships between Professionals and Patients 81
Introduction to Part 283
Chapter 4. Use of AI Systems in the Care Relationship, Redefining Patient and Physician Roles85
4.1. Progressive affirmation of individualized healthcare in the service of patient autonomy 86
4.1.1. Reinforcing the patients responsibility in the healthcare relationship 86
4.1.2. Increasingly personalized medicine 91
4.2. Integration of digital and ethical concepts in the training of health personnel and in the education of citizens 93
4.2.1. Global challenge of developing citizens digital skills 93
4.2.2. Issues specific to the training of healthcare professionals 96
4.3. References 100
Chapter 5. Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Medicine103
5.1. Artificial intelligence in question 103
5.2. The doctor-patient relationship 106
5.3. Digital medicine ecosystem 109
5.4. Medicine 4.0 112
5.5. Question of ethics 113
5.6. What lessons can be learned? 115
5.7. Real benefits of artificial intelligence 117
5.8. References 118
Chapter 6. Digital and Public Health in West Africa119
Alpha Ahmadou DIALLO
6.1. Introduction 119
6.2. Context and questions 120
6.3. Theoretical framework of analysis and associated concepts 125
6.4. Practical illustrations 128
6.5. Challenges and capitalization of experiences and potential for transformation 134
6.6. Conclusion and lessons learned 135
6.7. References 136
Part 3. Supporting Digital Healthcare139
Introduction to Part 3 141
Chapter 7. Designing and Innovating in Digital Healthcare: Co-design for Taking Patients Needs into Account143
7.1. Introduction 143
7.1.1. New approaches to healthcare innovation 145
7.2. Methodological approach of co-design in healthcare 147
7.2.1. Co-design in healthcare 147
7.2.2. A grid for analyzing the processes of co-design in healthcare 148
7.3. Illustrations 154
7.3.1. Service design workshops to envision collective and smart housing for the elderly 154
7.3.2. Designing digital tools to improve the performance of athletes by taking their emotions into account 159
7.4. Conclusion 164
7.5. References 165
Chapter 8. Ethical Governance and Responsibility in Digital Medicine: The Case of Artificial Intelligence169
8.1. Introduction 169
8.2. Artificial intelligence applied to the world of healthcare 170
8.3. Problems and ethical risks specific to digital technology 172
8.4. Ethical and moral questions related to AI 176
8.5. Framework based on general ethical principles associated with AI 180
8.6. Algorithmic responsibility 186
8.7. Conclusion 187
8.8. References 189
Chapter 9. Legal Focus on the Notions of Telemedicine and E-Health191
9.1. Introduction 191
9.2. Telehealth: a different adoption depending on the country 192
9.2.1. A word with different meanings in different countries 192
9.2.2. E-health: a service provision 200
9.3. Standard applicable to data 201
9.3.1. General framework 203
9.3.2. Rights of the data subject: founding principles of personal data processing 205
9.3.3. The accountability principle 207
9.4. Conclusion 209
9.5. References 209
List of Authors 211
Index 213