Woodworking For Dummies


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781119986522
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 384 S., 41.32 MB
Auflage: 2. Auflage 2023
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Make stunning furniture, shelves, and more, with this easy guide

Woodworking For Dummies gives aspiring woodworkers step-by-step instructions for creating successful woodworking projects. Set your sights on creating beautiful wooden pieces, with your own two hands. Woodworking is a fun and fascinating hobby, and youll love developing your skills and enjoying the satisfaction of craftsmanship. This book explains, in simple terms, the basic tools youll need, the different types of wood you can work with, and the process of creating plans for a successful project. Start sawing, sanding, joining, and finishing wood projects you can be proud of. One-of-a-kind, handmade woodcrafts are excellent as additions to your home and gifts for others, and you can even start a small business selling your handiwork. ThisFor Dummies primer makes this cool activity accessible to anyone.

Start a new hobby, work with your hands, and see your visions come to lifeLearn about classic and cutting-edge woodworking toolsDifferentiate between the different kinds of wood and select the right materials for your projectBecome a woodworker with easy-to-use photos and instructions

Even if youve never picked up a saw before, thisFor Dummies guide will help you get startedand its a great reference and refresher for those who already know what theyre doing, too.


Jeff Strongbegan creating sawdust at a very young age while helping his father, a master craftsman, build fine furniture. An accomplished woodworker, Jeff has designed and built countless pieces of furniture. He is the author of several previous For Dummies titles, includingDrums For Dummies andHome Recording For Dummies.


Introduction 1

Part 1: Whats All the Buzz about Woodworking? 5

Chapter 1: Discovering the Basics of Woodworking 7

Chapter 2: Wood You Be Mine? Appreciating Wood for All Its Worth 11

Chapter 3: Putting Safety First in Your Workshop 35

Part 2: Tool Time: Selecting and Setting Up Your Equipment 45

Chapter 4: Gearing Up: Choosing Tools That Are Right for You 47

Chapter 5: Getting a Handle on Hand Tools 55

Chapter 6: Peeking at Portable Power Tools 81

Chapter 7: Introducing the Big Guns: Stationary Power Tools 99

Chapter 8: Setting Up Your Workshop and Maximizing Your Tools 117

Part 3: Together Forever: Basic Wood Joinery 137

Chapter 9: Stuck on You: Using Adhesives and Glues 139

Chapter 10: Working with Wood Joints Using Power Tools 147

Chapter 11: Cutting Common Wood Joints with Hand Tools 181

Chapter 12: Making the Most of Mechanical Fasteners 195

Part 4: Getting Your Hands (and Shop) Dirty: Turning Raw Wood into Furniture 203

Chapter 13: Understanding the Building Process 205

Chapter 14: Banging Out Bookcases 219

Chapter 15: Tackling Tables 245

Chapter 16: Creating Cabinets 277

Part 5: The Grand Finale: Sanding and Finishing Your Masterpiece 313

Chapter 17: Smoothin It Out by Filling and Sanding 315

Chapter 18: Adding Color: Stains and Paints 323

Chapter 19: Protecting Your Work with Topcoats 331

Part 6: The Part of Tens 341

Chapter 20: Ten Great Habits to Get Into 343

Chapter 21: Ten Common Woodworking Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them 347

Index 353

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