ADHD For Dummies


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781394219100
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S., 1.20 MB
Auflage: 2. Auflage 2024
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Demystify ADHD with simple explanations of the basics and the latest research

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most globally prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders.ADHD For Dummies explores living a healthy and fulfilling life with ADHD, from seeking diagnosis to choosing the right treatment path for you or your loved one. Youll read about the latest in ADHD research, equipping you with valuable knowledge as you care for a child with ADHD or explore your own ADHD symptoms as an adult. This book provides the answers you need on how to deal with day-to-day challenges at home, school, and work, and how to find support and counseling. With appropriate management, anyone can live a great life with ADHD.Learn what ADHD isand what it isntGet up to date with the latest information on ADHD, including medications and non-medical treatmentsFind the right professional to help you get the support you or your children need

This is the perfect Dummies guide for both parents of children with ADHD and adults with ADHD looking to learn more. Teachers, counselors, and therapiststhis is also a great resource to educate yourself and your clients.


Jeff Strong is an author, composer, researcher, and adult living with ADHD. He is the founder of the Strong Institute for Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention, pioneering rhythm-based therapy.Carol MacHendrie, LCSW, has facilitated groups and workshops for adults with ADHD for 25 years. She has extensive clinical experience working with couples and individuals who have been diagnosed with ADHD.


Introduction 1

Part 1: The ABCs of ADHD 5

Chapter 1: ADHD Basics 7

Chapter 2: Exploring the Causes of ADHD 15

Chapter 3: The Many Facets of ADHD 27

Part 2: Diagnosing ADHD 43

Chapter 4: Moving Forward with a Diagnosis 45

Chapter 5: Navigating the Evaluation Process 61

Chapter 6: Investigating Conditions with ADHD-like Symptoms 71

Part 3: Treating ADHD 85

Chapter 7: Choosing the Best Treatment Options for You 87

Chapter 8: Managing Medication 103

Chapter 9: Queuing Up Counseling, Coaching, and Training 115

Chapter 10: Managing Problem Behaviors 129

Chapter 11: Considering How Nutrition, Supplements, and Your Environment May Impact ADHD 141

Chapter 12: Examining Neuromodulation Therapies 161

Chapter 13: Getting a Handle on Rebalancing Therapies 177

Part 4: Living with ADHD 191

Chapter 14: Accentuating the Positive 193

Chapter 15: Creating Harmony at Home 203

Chapter 16: Creating Success at School 235

Chapter 17: Winning at Work 265

Part 5: The Part of Tens 285

Chapter 18: Ten (Plus) Tips to Organize Your Life 287

Chapter 19: Ten (or So) Ways to Improve Your Family Relationships 297

Chapter 20: Ten Resources for More Information and Ongoing Support 305

Appendix: Treatment Tracking Forms 311

Index 317

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