A fierce beauty plots to recover her land as a handsome Highlander tends to her wounds in this historical romance by theNew York Times bestselling author.
New York Times
bestselling author Hannah Howell returns to medieval Scotland where daring and desire stir the passions of the Murray clan . . . When a red-haired woman tries to steal Sir Gybbon Murrays horse on his journey back to the Murray clan stronghold, hes grateful that his horse is a rude loutand that the pretty thief is not so injured that she cant tell her tale. Hes no nursemaid to delicate lasses, but Mora Ogilvy is fleeing her ruthless cousins, fearing for her life. And when she tells him of the home theyve taken from her and the man they say she murdered, Gybbon cannot let such injustice stand . . .
Moras pride demands she take back her lands, but she cannot allow this handsome, wicked knight to risk his life in the process. Still, she needs to recover from her wounds, and staying close to Gybbon is a seductive solution. A few weeks at his side will be a sweet memory for her when she returns to fight her own battles. Except the depth of her cousins treacheryand the fierceness of Gybbons lovemay turn her own heart against her plans.