This book provides an accessible guide to neuromusculardisorders using case scenarios from the world-renowned MRC Centre forNeuromuscular Diseases at the National Hospital, Queen Square, London, UK. Fiftygenetic and acquired disorders are presented in a practical, easy-to-readformat, including those that are common and also some which are rare.
Each case covers the history, examination andinvestigations, including neurophysiology, neuroradiology and neuropathology ifappropriate. Discussions of each case include the differential diagnosis,useful clinical pointers and a brief summary of the management of thecondition.
Neuromuscular Disease:Case Studies from Queen Square is aimed at neurology trainees andconsultant general neurologists.
HadiManji MAMD FRCP, Chris Turner FRCPPhD, Matthew R. B. Evans MBBS
MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, NationalHospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London
Section 1: Peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction and motorneuron disorders.- A woman who couldnot wear high heels.- Rare as rocking horse droppings- A lady with ataxia anexample of Hickams Dictum.- A lady with tremor not due to Parkinsonsdisease.- A makeup artist with Crohns disease.- Not a laughing matter.- Legswelling and painful feet in a business man.- A man with back pain and weightloss.- A man with progressive weakness and muscle twitching.- A woman withburning hands.- Another case of unsteadiness.- A young man with blurred visionand foot drop.- Progressive motor weakness in a Somalian man.- A man with apacemaker develops difficulty walking.- Cramps, weakness and fasciculations.- Alady with weakness since childhood.- A man with an insidious, painfulmononeuropathy.- A lady with head drop.- The dangers of home preservedvegetables.- A man with a dry mouth and weakness.- A man with difficultychewing gum and an ominous family history.- A patient with anacute syndrome,recovers and represents years later.- A man with recurrent chest infections.- Amedical student with episodes of weakness and sensory disturbance.- Weakness inan Indian man.- A man with episodes of shoulder pain and a weak arm.- A manwith painful feet and hand ulcers.- A psychologist with wrist drop.-Section 2: Muscle disorders.- Longstandingdrooping eyelids.- Drooping eyelids PLUS.- Neither one nor the other.- When ismyotonia not caused by myotonic dystrophy?.- Myotonia and paralysis-twosyndromes, one diagnosis.- Typical phenotype, MRI and histology.- Atypicalphenotype, MRI and histology.- A multisystem muscle disorder needsmonitoring.- The less aggressive and less common cousin.- A common cause ofprogressive proximal weakness...- ... and the other common cause.- Atreatable systemic muscle disease.- A blood vessel disease causing weakness.-Antibody-mediated muscle disease?.- When the wind comes back.- When the winddoes not come back.- Paralysis is only a part of the problem.- Back to thebasics-never forget to look at the back.- Is it time to take the heat out ofthe problem?.- Praying for an answer can be helpful.- Neuromuscular junctiondysfunction is not always myasthenic.- Carrying shopping can be difficult,especially for men.