The Chronicles Of Narmo


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448192731
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 160 S., 2.21 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Fifteen-year-old Morag Narmo really doesn't want to go to school any more. She and her siblings would rather feed their heads into the waste-disposal unit than "do the academical". So they are all stunned when their parents whisk them out of school and embark on a home-schooling experiment. But with five children, two unruly pets and some extremely eccentric attitudes, the educational experiment soon descends into chaos...

Witty, razor-sharp and laugh-out-loud funny,The Chronicles of Narmoshow us how before Caitlin Moran knewHow to be a Woman, she had to find out How to be a Girl.


Caitlin Moran is the eldest of eight children, home-educated on a council estate in Wolverhampton, believing that if she were very good and worked very hard, she might one day evolve into Bill Murray.

She published a childrens novel,The Chronicles of Narmo, at the age of 16, and became a columnist atThe Timesat 18. She has gone on to be named Columnist of the Year six times. At one point, she was also Interviewer and Critic of the Year - which is good going for someone who still regularly mistypes the as hte. Her multi-award-winning bestsellerHow to Be a Womanhas been published in 28 countries, and won the British Book Awards Book of the Year 2011. Her two volumes of collected journalism,MoranthologyandMoranifesto, wereSunday Timesbestsellers, and her novel,How to Build a Girl, debuted at Number One, and is currently being adapted as a movie. She co-wrote two series of the Rose dOr-winning Channel 4 sitcomRaised by Wolveswith her sister, Caroline.

Caitlin lives on Twitter with her husband and two children, where she spends her time tweeting either about civil rights issues, or that picture of Bruce Springsteen when he was 23, and has his top off. She would like to be remembered as a very sexual humanitarian.


Before the woman came the girl - Caitlin Moran's hilarious debut novel, inspired by her own childhood and written when she was just fifteen years old.>

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