Hopeless Romantic

eBook - A Beautifully Written and Entertaining Romantic Comedy, When in Rome

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781496727701
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2021
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Adair just keeps getting better!
Jill Shalvis,New York Times bestselling author
Lighthearted and humorousa sweet, satisfying romance.
Publishers Weekly

A Goodreads Most Anticipated Romance of January
An Amazon Book Review Highly Anticipated Romantic Comedy& Best of the Month Selection
An Apple Books Best of the Month Selection
A funny and delightful story from theNew York Times bestselling author of the St. Helena Vineyard series that fans of Avery Flynn, Kristan Higgins, and Helena Hunting will love.

Set against the breezy backdrop of coastal Rhode Island, bestselling author Marina Adairs latest novel asks whether two of a small towns biggest hearts can learn to put themselves firstin the name of love. . .
As caregiver for her autistic brother, Beckett Hayes knows how meaningful a little extra help can be when life happens. Which is why she runs Consider It Done, a personal concierge service in her small town. Her job also gives her the flexibility to follow her passion, being Rome, Rhode Islands unofficial special needs advocate, training emotional support companions in her spare time. Theres not much of that, though, and certainly not enough for serious dating. Its always been family first for Beck. But one unquestionably gorgeous, good-natured man is suddenly a temptation thats getting tougher to resist . . .
Sixteen years ago, Levi Rhodes was ready to sail off into the sunsetliterally. But then his fathers death and his sisters unexpected pregnancy postponed his sailing scholarship and the adventures he had planned. Running the family marina and bar was the least he could do for his grieving mother. Plus, his niece needed a father-figure. But now that shes in high school and has her bio-dad in her life, Levis wondering if its time to get his sea legs under him again. Or hewaswondering, until curvy, caring Beck showed up in his bar, and then in his dreams . . .
CharmingSweet and sensitive,Hopeless Romantic is a funny romance that gently manages heavy issues.
Shelf Awareness

A portion of royalties to benefit The Organization for Autism Research.

Praise for Marina Adair
Small town sweetness, endearing characters and a unique quirky flair."
Carly Phillips,New York Times bestselling author
Marina Adair is a breath of fresh air. . . . Don't miss a word from this magnificent author!
New York Times bestselling author Darynda Jones

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