In The Flesh


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781617730573
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A story of seduction and surrender by the #1 New York Timesbestselling author . . . 
An infamous beauty. A daring warrior . . .
For five years, Sapphire has been the king of Saris most treasured concubine. Independent at last, she refuses to put herself in anyones control again. But now anothers meddling has led her into the path of proud, arrogant Wulfric, crown prince of the rival kingdom of DAshier . . . a man who is dangerous to her in every way.
 . . . and a seduction that could destroy them both.
The daughter of Wulfrics fiercest opponent, Sapphire is a prized warrior in her own right and highly skilled in the sensual artsin short, Wulfrics perfect match. A lasting union is unthinkable, but the bargain they striketo spend one night together, and then partproves impossible in the face of a desire powerful enough to bring two countries to the brink of war, and two hearts to the point of surrender . . .
A Note from the Author:
Dear Readers,
Some of you may remember this story as Sapphires Worth. Written in 2004, a few brief excerpts were posted on my website and they were never forgottenIve been receiving emails about Sapphire and Wulf ever since!
In the Flesh was my second completed novel and although I have written many more since then, this Arabian Nights tale of seduction, power, and ultimate surrender holds a special place in my heart. Wulfric remains one of my favorite heroes. I hope hell become one of yours as well!
With love,

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