In a new edition of this classic book, introduced by the world-renowned Gaelic poet Sorley Maclean, the late Calum I. Maclean, a Gaelic-speaking Highlander, interprets the traditional background, culture and ways of life of his native country. Calum's formal training in folk culture and the depth of his local knowledge make this book truly outstanding - it is written by a Highlander from the inside.
Many books on the Highlands have been penned by outsiders with an uncritical appreciation of the scenery and only the most superficial knowledge of the Gaelic language and culture. By contrast, Maclean brought informed attitudes and sympathetic opinions. He was concerned not so much with places, beauty spots and scenery as with the Highlanders in their own self-created environment. He writes in terms of individuals and suggests reasons why Highland culture is unique in the world - it is something that, if lost, can never be recovered or recreated.
Calum I. Maclean was born on the island of Raasay, Inverness-shire, on 6 September 1915. He was a graduate of Edinburgh University, where he took the degree of MA with First Class Honours in Celtic. In 1946, Maclean started the systematic collection of material in the Hebrides on behalf of the Irish Folklore Commission. In 1951, he joined the staff of the then newly established School of Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh. His death in 1960 cut short a life and career of immense value to Highland folklore. This new edition of his book is in the nature of an acknowledgement of his worth and the legacy he left for future generations of Highlanders.