New military technologies are animated by fantasies of perfect knowledge, lawfulness, and vision that contrast sharply with the very real limits of human understanding, law, and vision. Thus, various kinds of violent acts are proliferating while their precise nature remains unclear. Especially manmachine ensembles, guided by algorithms, are operating in ways that challenge conceptual understanding.
War and Algorithm looks at the increasing power of algorithms in these emerging forms of warfare from the perspectives of critical theory, philosophy, legal studies, and visual studies. The contributions in this volume grapple with the challenges posed by algorithmic warfare and trace the roots of new forms of war in the technological practices and forms of representation of the digital age. Together, these contributions provide a first step toward understandingand resistingour emerging world of war.
Max Liljefors is a Professor in the Division of Art History and Visual Studies, Lund University.
Gregor Noll is a Professor in the Department of Law, University of Gothenburg.
Daniel Steuer is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton.