Helping Students on the Autism Spectrum Get the Best Out of College

eBook - A Guide for Further Education Professionals

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781787753419
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 176 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2020
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This is the companion guide for further education staff working with students on the autism spectrum who are using Getting the Best Out of College for Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Workbook for Entering Further Education.

The workbook takes a holistic approach and focusses on the practicalities of college life for autistic students transitioning to further education, as well as those already there. It covers everything needed to support autistic students including getting to college, how to handle new sensory issues, peer relationships, where to go for help, time management, and exam anxiety.

This guide follows the structure of the workbook Getting the Best Out of College for Students on the Autism Spectrum. For each chapter, there is a parallel chapter in the student guide that directly addresses the students' needs. This guide includes case studies, contextual information and frameworks to help adults work through the exercises and interactive elements with the student.


Kate Ripley is a Consultant Specialist Psychologist for Autism. She has worked as a Senior Specialist Educational Psychologist for Autistic Spectrum Disorders for Children's Services and is an author of nine books including Autism from Diagnostic Pathway to Intervention, Exploring Friendships, Puberty and Relationships. She lives in Devon.

Dr Rebecca Murphy is a Senior Educational Psychologist (EP) for the Isle of Wight, and has worked at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology since 2013. She is currently part of a working group leading EP involvement for further education providers. She lives in Hampshire.

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