Groups, Modules, and Model Theory - Surveys and Recent Developments

eBook - In Memory of Rüdiger Göbel

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319517186
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 5.41 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2017
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This volume focuses on group theory and model theory with a particular emphasis on the interplay of the two areas. The survey papers provide an overview of the developments across group, module, and model theory while the research papers present the most recent study in those same areas. With introductory sections that make the topics easily accessible to students, the papers in this volume will appeal to beginning graduate students and experienced researchers alike. As a whole, this book offers a cross-section view of the areas in group, module, and model theory, covering topics such as DP-minimal groups, Abelian groups, countable 1-transitive trees, and module approximations. The papers in this book are the proceedings of the conference New Pathways between Group Theory and Model Theory, which took place February 1-4, 2016, in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, in honor of the editors colleague Rüdiger Göbel. This publication is dedicated to Professor Göbel, who passed away in 2014. He was one of the leading experts in Abelian group theory. 


Manfred Droste is Professor and Head of the Automata and Formal Languages Research Group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Leipzig. His research interests include such theoretical computer science topics as automata theory, logic, algebraic models for concurrent systems, and domain theory, and such mathematical topics as model theory, automorphism groups, and ordered algebraic structures. He is editor of the Handbook of Weighted Automata.
László Fuchs is the Evelyn and John G. Phillips Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Mathematics at Tulane University. He was awarded the Kossuth Prize in 1953 and is a foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests include abelian groups, commutative domains and their modules. He is the author of numerous publications, includingAbelian Groups(Springer Monographs in Mathematics). 
Brendan Goldsmith is Research Director at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the Dublin Institute of Technology. Formerly, he served as Head of the School of Mathematics and President of DIT. His research interests include group theory and generalizations, commutative algebra, associative rings and algebras, and mathematical logic.

Lutz Strüngmann is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Duisberg-Essen. He has authored 56 publications since 1999 in the fields of group theory and generalizations, mathematical logic, commutative algebra and associative rings and algebras.


Rudiger Gobel: An Appreciation (Droste, Fuchs, Goldsmith, Strungman).- Part I: Survey Articles.- Properties of Abelian groups determined by their endomorphism ring (Albrecht).- The zero-divisor graph of a commutative semigroup: a survey (Anderson, Badawi).- A Remak-Krull-Schmidt class of torsion-free Abelian groups (Arnold, Mader, Mutzbauer, Solak).- Rigid À1-free Abelian groups with prescribed factors and their role in the theory of cellular covers (Strungmann).- Definable valuations induced by definable subgroups (Dupont).- Groups of automorphisms of totally ordered sets: techniques, model theory and applications in decision problems (Glass).- Algebraic entropies for Abelian groups with applications to the structure of their endomorphism rings: a survey (Goldsmith, Salce).- On subsets and subgroups defined by commutators and some related questions (Charlotte Kappe, Longobardi, Maj).- Recent progress in module approximations (Trlifaj).- Part II: Research Articles.- A class of pure subgroups of the Specker group (Corner).- Countable 1-transitive trees (Chicot, Truss).- On Ores theorem and universal words for permutations and injections of infinite sets (Droste).- An extension of M.C.R. Butlers theorem on endomorphism rings (Dugas, Herden, Shelah).- The Jacobson radicals role in isomorphism theorems for p-adic modules extends to topological isomorphism (Flagg).- A note on Hieronymis theorem: every definably complete structure is definably Baire (Fornasiero).- Cotorsion and Tor pairs and finitistic dimensions over commutative rings (Fuchs).- Permutation groups without irreducible elements (Glass, Macpherson).- R-Hopfian and L-co-Hopfian Abelian groups (with an appendix by A.L.S. Corner on near automorphisms of an Abelian group) (Goldsmith, Gong).- On the Abelianization of certain topologists products (Herfort, Hojka).- Some remarks on DP-minimal groups (Kaplan, Levi, Simon).- Square subgroups of decomposable rank three groups (Karimi).- An invariant on primary Abelian groups with applications to their projective dimensions (Keef).- The valuation difference rank of a quasi-ordered difference field (Kuhlmann, Matusinski, Point).- The lattice of U-sequences of an Abelian p-group (McLean).- Strongly non-singular rings and Morita equivalence (McQuaig).- The class of (2,3)-groups with homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p2 (Solak).- Unbounded monotone subgroups of the Baer-Specker group (Wald).- Clusterization of correlation functions (Zuevsky).

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