The Complete Options Trader

eBook - A Strategic Reference for Derivatives Profits

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319765051
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 5.37 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Options traders rely on a vast array of information concerning probability, risk, strategy components, calculations, and trading rules. Traders at all levels, as well as portfolio managers, must refer to numerous print and online sources, each source only providing part of the information they need. This is less than ideal, as online sources tend to be basic, simplified, and in some cases incorrect. Print sources, on the other hand, are mostly focused on a very narrow range of strategies or trading systems. Up until now, there has been no single source to provide a comprehensive reference for the serious trader.

The Complete Options Trader is that much-need comprehensive reference, a compilation of the many attributes options traders need.

Thomsett lays out a rich and complete guide to 100 strategies, including profit and loss calculations, illustrations, examples, and much more. A thorough evaluation of these strategies (and the rewards and risk involved) demonstrates how a broad approach to analytically using options can and does enhance portfolio profits with lower levels of risk.

The book also features a complete glossary of terms used in the options industry, the most comprehensive glossary of this nature currently available.

All too often, the attributes of options trading are poorly understood; risk is ignored or over-simplified; hedging is not folded into a strategic evaluation; and options traders shun the value of holding equity positions. No longerif options traders rely on this comprehensive guide as the reference for the industry.


Michael C. Thomsett has been writing for a living since 1978 and has published more than 90 books. These include 12 options books. His bestselling Getting Started in Options has been published in nine editions and sold more than 300,000 copies. He also has developed and presented options webinars, and coaches on a live trading room every day and is a frequent speaker at trade shows and investment conventions. He blogs on his website, Seeking Alpha, Options Money Maker, and social media.


Introduction.- Section 1 - Market Overview.- Section 2 - Market Risks.- Section 3 - Option Strategies.- Section 4 - Option Glossary.- Section 5 - Elements of Value.- Section 6 - Return Calculations.- Section 7 - Options and Stock Selection.- Section 8 - Option Taxation.

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