The guidelines are aimed at institutions for vocational rehabilitation that want to expand their range of services and open up new target groups. In the project "Shaping Beginnings, Transitions and Connections - Inclusive Service Provision in Vocational Education Institutions" (PAUA) ten vocational education institutions across Germany have developed suitable implementation possibilities. In this way they have expanded their range to the professional integration of refugees, new learning approaches or the digitisation of the workplace and are therefore able to successfully position themselves as partners for vocational training. In the guidelines the officials from institutions for occupational rehabilitation find management models for the systematic and goal-orientated modelling of essential change processes.
Heidemarie Hofmann und Aleksandra Poltermann sind wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen am Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb). Herausgeber:innen der Reihe Prof. Günther G. Goth ist Vorsitzender des Vorstands des Bildungswerks der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw). Susanne Kretschmer und Iris Pfeiffer sind Geschäftsführerinnnen des Forschungsinstituts Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb).
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