Antonio Vivaldi's sonatas for violin and basso continuo are among the most valuable works written between the violin sonatas by Arcangelo Corelli and those by Johann Sebastian Bach. With his 12 Sonatas Op. 2, Vivaldi presents a multi-faceted spectrum of forms and possibilities of performance and expression. The new edition of the Wiener Urtext Edition is based on both the first Venetian edition and the edition of the publisher Roger from Amsterdam which was published only a little later. On this basis we have got a much more logical musical text in the new edition. This edition not only contains the solo violin part and a continuo score with realized basso continuo, but also a figured bass part which gives experienced continuo players the opportunity to improvise on the basso continuo part and can also be used by a continuo cellist. Instrumentation: violin, harpsichord (piano) and cello op. 2
Geboren in Venedig, Musikunterricht durch den Vater, der Geiger am Markusdom in Venedig war; 1692: Beginn der Priesterlaufbahn; 1703: wird er zum Priester geweiht und anschließend zum Hauskomponist am Ospedale della Pietà ernannt; erste Komposition, durch die er bald europäischen Ruf erlangt; 1717: Kammerkapellmeister in Mantua; ab 1729: viele Konzertreisen durch Europa; 1740: lässt er sich in Wien nieder; stirbt in Wien.