Ermetica Leggi ermetiche e principi universali

Leggi spirituali e alchimia spiegate (con utili istruzioni su astrologia, meditazione, tarocchi, espansione della coscienza & Co!)

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783985380060
Sprache: Italienisch
Umfang: 152 S.
Einband: gebundenes Buch


Are you looking for a practical approach to the mysteries of life? Hermetic laws, also called universal principles, rule all our lives. They work just as precisely as natural laws, but are completely unknown to most people! Universal principles can provide important answers to the big questions of life. The practical implementation of hermetic laws can have an exceedingly (positive) influence on our lives. Hermetics as a key to a fulfilling life In recent decades, it has not necessarily become easier to live spirituality in everyday life or even to integrate it into everyday life. This is a pity, since that is where true spiritual mastery lies. However, an understanding of cosmic principles and laws is indispensable if we want to make more of our lives in the long run. They offer the spiritual basis to realize not only spiritual goals with the help of so-called tools or instruments of awareness. Learn in Part 1 (Theory) of this book: What is Hermetics and how do Hermetic Laws work? The important difference between true esotericism and incense hippiedom. The story of Hermes Trismegistos. The 7 Universal Principles / Hermetic Laws explained step by step. #1 The Law of Spirituality #2: The law of polarity. #3: The law of correspondence / analogy. #4: The Law of Resonance and Attraction. #5: The Law of Harmony and Balance. #6: The law of rhythm (vibration). #7: The law of cause and effect (karma). Learn in Part 2 (Practice) of this book: Ways to gain self-knowledge and expand consciousness. The practical use of important tools of awareness, such as. #1 Breathing (with little known breathing exercises). #2 Meditation (with practical meditation exercises). #3 Tips on spiritual alchemy. #4 How astrology works and it can help you to recognize and master life tasks (exciting insights guaranteed!). #5 How to use Tarot for your personal growth (with simple Tarot exercises). #6 Why nutrition is important for our spiritual progress (with numerous nutrition tips!). #7 How you can completely change your life through altruistic giving. .and much, much more! Learn the hermetic teachings first in theory and then apply them to your life. Without rose-colored glasses, but honest and authentic! This guide is different. The author explains with personal examples, honestly and transparently, how Hermeticism can serve us in everyday life. No pseudo-positive New Age literature, but with the goal of bringing the reader back into personal responsibility.


Stai cercando un approccio pratico ai segreti della vita? Le leggi ermetiche - chiamate anche principi universali - governano tutta la nostra vita. Funzionano con la stessa precisione delle leggi naturali, ma sono completamente sconosciute alla maggior parte delle persone. I principi universali possono fornire risposte importanti alle grandi domande della vita. L'attuazione pratica delle leggi ermetiche ha quindi spesso un'influenza estremamente positiva sulla nostra vita. L'ermetismo come chiave per una vita appagante Negli ultimi decenni, non è diventato necessariamente più facile vivere la spiritualità nella vita quotidiana o addirittura integrarla nella vita di tutti i giorni. È un peccato, perché è lì che si trova la vera maestria spirituale. Tuttavia, la comprensione dei principi e delle leggi cosmiche è indispensabile se vogliamo ottenere di più dalla nostra vita a lungo termine. Essi forniscono la base spirituale per realizzare obiettivi spirituali, con l'aiuto dei cosiddetti strumenti di consapevolezza, e non solo. Prima impara gli insegnamenti ermetici in teoria e poi applicali alla tua vita. Senza imbrogliare, ma in modo autentico e onesto!