A large part of the world's population is not in the habit of giving thanks.What is thankful about all that is offered to us is very little and very generic, everything that the Planet provides us is extracted from this organic ball of earth that hovers in the planetary atmosphere, held by the force of nature, in its millennial orbit, suspended and stopped there for trillions of years, hovering by the inexplicable orbit, although scientists are right, and the true secret only God knows.Everything that is offered to the human creature and, he (Planet), who gives and man himself who modifies, customizes, manufactures, transforms and everything is practically industrialized and charged whose values are to sustain the economy, the capitalists, shareholders, and the holders of the great fortunes, but if we think coldly, everything that comes out, that is extracted from the Planet is free, what burdens the productions, customizations and transformations are the human beings themselves, of course this is necessary to meet the great demand of the 8 billion inhabitants of this Planet.
Hij is auteur van verschillende veiligheidsboeken, privé-beveiligingsmanager, werkt al meer dan 40 jaar in de regio, studeerde Bedrijfskunde, geeft momenteel lezingen over het onderwerp in bedrijven en bedrijfs- en wooncomplexen, evenals opleidingen voor conciërges, bewakers, conciërges, receptionisten en bewakingsagenten. Hij schrijft ook over de wereld van de mensen en hun gedrag.