The present textbook contains articles summarizing the experience of using fiction and publicist literature in lecturing and conducting seminar sessions on the courses of the University - political science, general sociology and sociology of international relations. The work deals not only with general theoretical and methodological issues of using fiction literature in the process of teaching at the university, but also sets out specific methodological recommendations for the use of fiction and journalistic literature in individual topics of sociology and political science.The textbook is designed for teachers of sociology and political science, as well as postgraduate and graduate students studying at the bachelor's and master's level.
Anatolij Bazjenov, kandidaat voor de historische wetenschappen, universitair hoofddocent aan de Staatsuniversiteit van Tula (Rusland). Hij is de auteur van meer dan 100 publicaties: monografieën, leerboeken, artikelen, proefschriften, in totaal meer dan 50 gedrukte bladen. Hij heeft deelgenomen aan 40 internationale, geheel Russische, regionale conferenties. Hij heeft meer dan 30 publicaties in de lijst van VAK.