The cornerstone of the theory of cognition of any philosophical system or doctrine is the question of truth. On the basis of the analysis of Lenin's work "Materialism and Empiriocriticism" it is shown that the criterion of truth or truth of the forms of developing reality is not practice, as is erroneously considered in this time, but the pithiness of these forms; practice is a method or procedure for assessing the completeness of the pithiness of the forms of reality. In addition, practice is only a special case of a more developed technology of establishing truth - interpretation. The criterion of truth put forward in this paper allows quantitatively assessing the pithiness and significance of the forms of reality, which, in turn, makes it possible to rank the forms and, on this basis, more consciously outline the directions of prospective research. In the same connection, it is noted that there are no two or more equally meaningful truths (ideas, ideas, ideas, ideas, statements, theories, concepts, models, opinions, points of view, etc.). At any given moment of development, the truth, in this sense, is always the same.
De auteur van het boek is een doctoraat in de technische wetenschappen (voorheen een medewerker van onderzoeksorganisaties en -instituten), die voortdurend de prestaties op verschillende gebieden van de natuur- en menswetenschappen in de gaten houdt.De verschijning van dit werk is te danken aan de wens van de auteur om een ongewoon wereldbeeld over te brengen aan alle geïnteresseerden.