Within educational research that seeks to understand the quality and effectiveness of teachers and school, the role emotions play in educational change and school improvement has become a subject of increasing importance. In this book, scholars from around the world explore the connections between teaching, teacher education, teacher emotions, educational change and school leadership. (For this text, teacher encompasses pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and headteachers, or principals).
New Understandings of Teachers Work: Emotions and Educational Change is divided into four themes: educational change; teachers and teaching; teacher education; and emotions in leadership. The chapters address the key basic and substantive issues relative to the central emotional themes of the following: teachers lives and careers in teaching; the role emotions play in teachers work; lives and leadership roles in the context of educational reform; the working conditions; the context-specific dynamics of reform work; school/teacher cultures; individual biographies that affect teachers emotional well-being; and the implications for the management and leadership of educationalchange, and for development, of teacher education.
Introduction, Christopher Day and John Chi-Kin Lee.- Theme 1: Teachers and Teaching.- 1. Hope, Happiness, Teaching and Learning, Bert Bullough.- 2. Teaching and Teacher Emotions: A Post-structural Perspective, chalinos Zembylas.- 3. Uncertain professional identities: managing the emotional contexts of teaching, Christopher Day.- 4. Vulnerability in teaching: the moral and political roots of a structural condition, Geert Kelchtermans.- Theme 2: Educational Change, 5. Teacher Emotions in a Mandated Curriculum Reform: A Chinese Perspective, John Chi-Kin Lee and Hong-Biao Yin.- 6. Teacher Emotions and Socialization-Related Learning in the Context of Educational Change, Thomas Reio.- 7. The importance of affective containment for teacher effectiveness and successful educational change, Chris James.- Theme 3: Teacher Education.- 8. But thats the thing: Who else is going to teach besides the idealist? Learning to teach in emotional contexts, Diane Mayer.- 9. Stories and Affect in Teacher Education (with Postscript), Nel Noddings.- 10. Emotion, Identity and Teacher Learning: Becoming a Primary Mathematics Teacher, Jeremy Hodgen and Mike Askew.- Theme 4: Emotions in Leadership.- 11. The dynamic nature of emotions in educational leadership: Lessons from the career stories of Israeli late-career principals, Izhar Oplatka.- 12. Rationality and Emotions in Leadership Enhancing our understanding, Megan Crawford.- 13. Leadership and Teacher Emotion, Brenda Beatty.- Index.