(TokyoInst. ofTechnology) describedthe result ofthe simulationof theformationofMoon. Thefirst talkoftheseconddaywas given by F-H. Hsu oftheIBMT.J. Watson Research center, on "Deep Blue", the special-purpose computer for Chess,which, forthefirst timeinthehistory, wonthematchwiththe besthumanplayer,Mr. GaryKasparov(unfortunately,Hsu'scontribution isnot included in this volume). Then A. Bakker of Delft Inst. of Tech nology looked back his 20 years ofdevelopingspecial-purpose computers formoleculardynamicsandsimulationofspinsystems. J.Arnoldgavean overviewoftheemergingnewfieldofreconfigurablecomputing,whichfalls inbetweentraditionalgeneral-purposecomputersandspecial-purposecom puters. S.Okumura(NAO)describedthehistoryofultra-high-performance digital signalprocessors for radio astronomy. They havebuilt a machine with 20GaPS performance in early 80s, and keep improvingthe speed. M. Taiji (ISM) told on general aspects of GRAPE-type systems, and T. Narumi (Univ. of Tokyo) the 100-Tflops GRAPE-type machine for MD calculations,whichwillbefinished by 1999.
InhaltsangabePreface; T. Ebisuzaki, J. Makino. List of Participants. Stellar Evolution, Stellor Dynamics and Tera-Flops Computation; D. Sugimoto. Simulation of Nature by Computer; D. Arnett. Supercomputing and Evolution in Close Binaries; Y. Kondo. Stellar Dynamics of Dense Stellar Systems; P. Hut. Stellar Dynamics on 200 Tflops Special-Purpose Computers; J. Makino. Astrophysical N-Body Simulations: Algorithms and Challenges; R. Spurzem. Star Cluster Simulations; D.C. Heggie. Stellar Dynamical Simulations of Galaxies and of Galaxy System Using the Marselle Grape-3 Systems; E. Athanassoula. Accretion of Planets and Moons; S. Ida. What We Learned from Special Purpose Computers; A.F. Bakker, F. Berwald. Reconfigurable Computing; J.M. Arnold. Special-Purpose Computer for Radio Astronomy; S.K. Okumura. Special-Purpose Computers for Classical Particle Simulations; M. Taiji. Molecular Dynamics Machine: Highly Parallelized Special-Purpose-Computer for Molecular Dynamics Simulations; T. Narumi, et al. Molecular Simulations with the MD-Grape Special-Purpose Computer; M.J. Field. High Performance Computing in Biophysics: Recent Experiences and Developments of Charmm; M. Hodoscek, et al. Massive Parallelism: The Hardware for Computational Chemistry? M.F. Guest, et al. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ion Channels; Q. Zhong, et al. The QCDSP Computer: Particle Physics with 20,000 Processors; R.D. Mawhinney. The CP-PACS Project and Lattice QCD; Y. Iwasaki. Three Generations of APE Projects: Lessons and Perspective; R. Tripiccione. Vector-Parallel Processing and Fujitsu VPP300E/700E Supercomputer System; K. Miura. The Evolution of Rotating Collisional Stellar Systems; C.R.W. Einsel. Effects of the Alfvén Wave on the GravitationalInstability in the Interstellar Medium; N. Fukuda, T. Hanawa. N-Body Simulation of Halo Formation Using GRAPE-4; T. Fukushige, J. Makino. The PCI Interface for Grape Systems: PCI-HIB; A. Kawai, et al. Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds: The Initial Phase of a Stellar Cluster; R.S. Klessen, A. Burkert. Formation of Star Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds; M. Kontizas, et al. Three Dimensional MHD Simulations of Accretion Disks and Jet Formation; R. Matsumoto, et al. Gravitational Collapse of Rotating Clouds: Bar Formation in a Self-Similarly Contracting Disk; T. Matsumoto, T. Hanawa. The Formation and Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies: Hydrodynamics and Color Gradient; M. Mori, et al. Parallel 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Turbulent Dark Cloud Flows; D. Muders. Photoionization of a Clumpy Universe; T. Nakamoto, et al. Smoothed Particle Hybrodynamics with Parallel Virtual Machine; N. Nakasato, et al. Jets from Time-Dependent Accretion Flows onto a Black Hole; K. Nobuta, T. Hanawa. Supercomputing in the Astronomical Institute of Romanian Academy; M.D. Suran, N.A. Popescu. Anisotropic Fokker-Planck Models of Globular Cluster Evolution; K. Takahashi. An Efficient Parallel Hierarchical Algorithm for Module Placement; T. Yang. The Efficient Parallel Newton-GMRES Algorithm for Computational Fluid Dynamics; T. Yang. Molecular Mechanism of Homogeneous Nucleation in Vapor Phase: Lennard-Jones Fluid; K. Yasuoka, M. Matsumoto. Development of Special Purpose Computer for Cosmic Hydrodynamics with SPH Method; Y. Yokono, et al. Index.
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