Perspectives on Everyday Life: A Cross Disciplinary Cultural Analysismakes the argument for studying everyday life through a combination of introductory theoretical approaches and a grouping of applications to specific aspects of American culture. The first part of the book addresses the idea of everyday life as considered by distinguished thinkers who have written books about everyday life, such as Sigmund Freud, Fernand Braudel, Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, and others. The second part of the book uses theories dealt with in the first part of the book to explore objectssuch as suitcases, alarm clocks, milk, pacifiers, pressure cookers, smart speakers, and super-glueand their part in the various rituals of everyday life in America, revealing their hidden meanings.
Arthur Asa Bergeris Professor Emeritus of Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts at San Francisco State University, USA. He has published more than one hundred articles and more than seventy books on media, popular culture, communication, material culture, tourism and humor. His books have been translated into ten languages.
Part I Perspectives on Everyday Life.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Perspectives on Everyday Life.- 3. Henri Lefebvre on Terror in Everyday Life.- 4. Michel de Certeau and Resistance to Domination.- 5. Fernand Braudel and the Structures in Everyday Life.- 6. Sigmund Freud on Psychopathology in Everyday Life.- 7. Milton Sapirstein and the Paradoxes of Everyday Life.- 8. Myth and Everyday Life.- 9. The Body and Everyday Life.- Part II Everyday Life in America.- 10. Alarm Clocks.- 11. Amazon Echo.- 12. Chandeliers at the 2017 Grammy Awards.- 13. The Starbucks Coffee Shop Logo.- 14. Teeth Whitening Agents.- 15. Pacifiers.- 16. Toilets.- 17. Milk.- 18. Electronic Pressure Cookers.- 19. Diet Products.- 20. Hairstyles.- 21. College Rejection Letters.- 22. Air Jordans.- 23. High-Tech French Fries.- 24. Backpacks.- 25. Mattresses.- 26. Womens Shoes.- 27. Madonnas Like a Prayer.- 28. Suitcases.- 29. Superglue.- 30. Calendars.- 31. Coda.