Despite the fact that there are many studies on the impact of rural electrification and rural electrification programs, the many studies carried out to assess the impact of rural electrification are limited and most of the findings are based only on the correlation between rural electrification and development, without taking any selection or program-placement biases into account, for example how it affect different groups example the poor. This study thus aimed to explore both the positive and negative effects of rural electrification on the rural poor people, and bring out other salient features and challenges that come along with rural electrification. The general objective was to investigate the effects of rural electrification on the rural poor people in Zambia.
James Phiri, MBA-Economics: Studied Business Administration in Economics at Information andCommunication University. Bachelor of Arts: Development Studies at Zambian Open University.Certificate: Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation of Projects Programes and Policies at University of Zambia, PUA at North Western Water & Sewerage, Solwezi, Zambia.