Fatigue and drowsiness at the wheel, although often confused, being the third cause of accidents after speeding and alcohol on our roads, do not however benefit from the means of detection as the first two causes, which makes them almost undetectable at the level of road prevention posts. In addition to the latter, the failure of drivers to take into account the warning signs, generally due either to their working hours, to taking certain medicines or even to their own ignorance, will then take on much greater proportions with heavy and dramatic consequences, particularly on the motorways, whereas knowledge of these warning signs linked in particular to the responsible behaviour of each driver is illustrated as a perfect solution for reducing the number of accidents on our roads.
Ingenieur Ngongang Merveilles David, een professional in het onderwijs van het autorijden, is afgestudeerd aan het Ministerie van Werkgelegenheid en Beroepsopleiding in Kameroen en geeft uiting aan zijn kennis en ruime ervaring op het gebied van verkeerspreventie.