. Ein Taxifahrer im Ruhrgebiet verschluckte sich an einem Bonbon. Er bekam keine Luft mehr und wurde sogar bewusstlos. Ihm drohte der Erstickungstod. Sein Taxi schoss führerlos ca. 60 Meter weiter. Es ging alles blitzschnell. Der Fahrgast auf der Rückbank in dem Taxi bekam eine Panikattacke. Er konnte nicht eingreifen. Dann passierte es. Das Auto krachte mit voller Wucht in ein parkendes Fahrzeug am Fahrzeugrand. Durch den Aufprall löste sich das Bonbon im Hals des Taxifahrers und beide Insassen blieben zu guter Letzt unverletzt. Das Unglück rettete dem Taxifahrer sein Leben. ".ich will dich retten und du sollst mich preisen!" heißt es in der Bibel. Swallowed candy He was kept alive by an impact. A taxi driver in the Ruhr area choked on a piece of candy. He couldn't breathe and even passed out. He was threatened with death by suffocation. His driverless taxi shot about 60 meters further. It all happened very quickly. The passenger in the back seat of the taxi had a panic attack. He couldn't intervene. Then it happened. The car crashed into a parked vehicle on the edge of the vehicle with full force. As a result of the impact, the candy loosened in the taxi driver's throat and both occupants were ultimately uninjured. The accident saved the taxi driver's life. ". I want to save you and you should praise me!" It says in the Bible. Caramelo tragado Un impacto lo mantuvo vivo. Un taxista de la zona del Ruhr se atragantó con un caramelo. No podía respirar e incluso se desmayó. Fue amenazado de muerte por asfixia. Su taxi sin conductor disparó unos 60 metros más allá. Todo sucedió muy rápidamente. El pasajero en el asiento trasero del taxi tuvo un ataque de pánico. No pudo intervenir. Entonces sucedió. El automóvil chocó contra un vehículo estacionado en el borde del vehículo con toda su fuerza. Como resultado del impacto, el caramelo se aflojó en la garganta del taxista y ambos ocupantes resultaron ilesos. Das Glück der Anderen Wer ist am glücklichsten?
The steam really fogged our little kitchen. Because the bath water was too hot at first, my grandma added cold water from the tap The faucet and the pouring were the only water point in the house. More water drinkers and taps could be found in the stable and in the yard When bathing, the temperature was often regulated by pouring hot or cold water At the end of the bathing process, washing your hair was always a special procedure The shampoo came out of a small plastic pillow. One tip of the pillow was cut off with scissors and then when the foam was pressed, it spilled not only onto my hair, but mostly onto my face. Most of all, I was always afraid for my eyes. Every time I shouted: give me a wash Often we were allowed to eat a piece of warm, freshly baked cake before going to bed.
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Neopubli GmbH
Sebastian Stude
Köpenicker Straße 154a
DE 10997 Berlin